Javascript course #1. Introduction – .com

Let’s start the JavaScript course by seeing the potential of this programming language and all that it offers inside the browser… and outside of it!

1 – Introduction to JavaScript

In this first class we will analyze what JavaScript is and we will see that it is much more than a simple programming language for browsers.

We will see that this programming language is more and more expanded and that we can use it to create mobile APPs, even to create games, as well as creating applications for televisions.

As you can see, JavaScript is not just a few commands or loose code snippets that we can use to add some curious functionality to our page, but it is a very complete programming language that allows us to develop everything we want.

In the next class the game begins. Prepare yourselves, because this will be the language that in the coming years will gain prominence and the attention of the staff. And we start from scratch. Do not miss it!

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All chapters in this course:

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