What about the “Like” button? – .com

These days he has caused a bit of a stir with his . Since they made it known in their last , it has been possible to read everything. Why so much concern? What is special about this button? Why is it said that Google does not like it? Why is it said that? We will try to answer all these questions.

Search engines currently have oligopolistic power on the Internet (in the case of Spain and Google, monopoly). In other words, when someone wants to find something on the Internet, they look for it in a search engine (forgive the redundancy). But for some time now, a new “species” has come to town. They are social networks. Until now, these platforms simply connected people, but now it seems that they can go a little further.

Facebook, the largest social network on the Internet, is making small strategic moves into what until now was the “terrain” of the search engines. Has developed some innovations (such as the “Like” button)that They can become an indicator of which pages are relevant, and which are not.. And that was the task of the seekers.

What is the “Like” button?

Physically, there is no mystery. It is a button, which is placed on any page, in any URL, so that users can “vote” if they like that content, with a simple click. So far, this “vote” has been done through a link.

There are two big differences between a “link vote” and a “like button vote”. The firstis that the link is from one page to another, from one URL to another URL. On the other hand, with the button, the vote of an individual to a page, that is, from a person a URL. And secondly, the links are free, everyone can link to everyone, without depending on any technology. Instead, the “Like” button depends on Facebook, it is a proprietary technology.

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Incorporating a “Like” button on a website can mean increasing your traffic in a singular way, since if someone presses the button, their Facebook profile is automatically updated, and all your contacts can see that this person has just positively “voted” a website. And all those who are interested can go and see what it is about, and if they like it, also vote in favor, which in turn will cause their Facebook profiles to be updated, and thus begin a viral chain effect.

All this is fine! What is the problem?

During the last decade, search engines, especially Google, have worked out a system to organize, assess and prioritize the relevance of information, and the result is very good, or at least one of the best that currently exists, in terms of It refers to searching for information on the Internet. And that is possible because the whole world used an open system free of interconnection. The link. Everyone except Facebook, which blocks search engine indexing, and continues betting on its own code. This means that Google cannot index information and the relationship between pages and people, and therefore, that it cannot value it and place it in its ranking.

Ok… so… Shall I put the button on my website/blog?

Up to you! It is a simple and easy process, you just have to enter , and that’s it. From that moment on, if someone likes what they have seen, and votes for you, they can generate many more visits thanks to the aforementioned virality. There are two methods to place it. By iframeor by XFMBL, this second method is more flexible, but requires more technical knowledge. In any case, you should assess whether it will be useful to you. I still don’t have it very clear, and at the moment I won’t post it, but I don’t rule out doing it in the near future.

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The future of the “Like” button It’s not very clear. It is true that in a very few days 50,000 websites have incorporated it, and that this number will grow much more. But it is also true that it has some weak points. First, because Only people who are registered and identified can vote on Facebookand secondly, there is a privacy handicap, since many users will not want what they like and what they don’t like published on their profile.

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