1389. Coda.io – .com

Today we are looking at a free smart document tool for managing tasks, projects, and many other possibilities.

But first, let’s remember that we are in the final stretch of , and that today we have a class of Coblocks and another of Premium Blocks.

As for the tool, it is about , and we could say that it is a kind of “vitaminated” Google Docs that allows you to create documents “with extras”.

Here I leave the list of what I mentioned in the episode for the:

And here the tool of the day. In this case, an “all in one”, Swiss Army knife style, which according to , is and will be free forever, at least what is currently available:

Currently, your entire team can use all of Coda’s features, absolutely free. We haven’t yet created a pricing structure. But rest assured that: There will always be a free version – we think this is critical for the breadth of adoption we would like; and We will give a lot of notice before introducing a paid tier We’d welcome input on pricing – as you use the product, let us know if you have thoughts on the best structure!

I hope you find it useful, and that you can apply it in your projects, or in the projects of your clients. So, I encourage you to try it, and if you want us to dedicate a course to it, you can, and it will be a pleasure to add it to .

As always, thank you very much for your five-star ratings at , at , and , for subscribing to the and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply would not be.

See also  Naming course - .com

We’ll hear each other tomorrow Friday with a monograph chosen by yourselves. As always, at 07:07. Until then, very good morning!

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