HTML5 course #2. Structure of the page – .com

In this second class of the HTML5 course, we will learn to create a structure for our website with the new tags that this version brings us.

On the other hand, we will learn that they are not simply new structure tags, but that some that were already used from previous versions have also been modified (simplified). To understand it better, let’s start with the class:

Now that we have seen the class, we should understand much better, that the new structure that HTML5 brings us, is not so much for humans to program better (but also), but also begins to implement tags so that robots better understand our websites.

In short, HTML5 is designed to be a great standard that allows bots and web pages to understand other web pages, such as when we put a link on Facebook and a title, a description and an image taken from the page appear. Web.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the contact form of the subscriber Intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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See also  Web layout techniques course #1. Hero Image - .com
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