【No Audio Output Device in Windows 7】Guide ▷ 2022

It is very common that when using the windows operating system some will occur errors in the system or in some of the hardware components. It’s like one of the most common errors in the Microsoft OS It’s of “No audio output device installed.”

When this appears you will not be able listen to audio on your computerthis happens because the system does not recognize any audio device installed on the computer, what can become a True problem if you don’t know solve said inconvenience.

Considering that this kind of bug hurts a lot of Win 7 users, here we are going to explain what is the procedure you should follow to solve this error, For this, it will be necessary that you follow in detail everything that we will explain below in the post.

What does it mean if my computer doesn’t recognize any audio output device?

If at any time you are going to play an audio file on your PC and a warning appears with any of the following messages “No audio device installed”, “No audio output device is installed”, “No mixer device available” or any other message similar to these, it means that Your machine’s system has not found the drivers for your sound card.

This type of error can be generate for different reasonssome of them may be due when updates are running in the operating system or when deep clean the machine. In most of these cases they end removing said drivers so that audio files cannot continue to play.

In these types of cases it is often said that the PC has gone silentthat is neither the speakers nor the headphones will appear connectedso that the team not will make no soundeither some OS own sound or because you want play a specific audio on it.

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Why doesn’t my computer recognize my audio output devices?

As already mentioned in the previous section, this type of error may be due to different reasonsthe most common are when deep cleans are performed on the computer or when the OS has been updated. In many of these options are finished removing fundamental components to carry out these types of actions.

This is how here we are going to explain a little more the different reasons why your computer may be showing said error notice:

Due to an update

One of the most frequent reasons why this type of bug on your pc occurs when one of the the slopes of the operating system, where for some windows error has not allowed it to be done the update of the driver for it to be carried out hardware recognition audio. If this is the case, in no way will you be able to reproduce any type of sound on the machine.

computer cleaning

Many of the users usually use some cleaning programs for improve computer performanceis like that on many occasions when these cleanings are executed, they end up deconfiguring the audio hardware drivers, therefore, their recognition cannot be carried out.

lack of update

All the drivers or controllers need be updated frequently in order to ensure correct operation. This means that if you never update these hardwares maybe they will start working the wrong way and may cause a malfunction or simply indicate a possible mistake.

Bad connection

Another reason why this type of failure originates in the Windows operating system is due to a bad connection of the cablesthis specifically in the desktop computers. Keep in mind that if there is a bad connection of the cables it is very possible that no audio device is recognized until the same be connected correctly.

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Learn step by step how to fix “No audio output device connected” error in Windows 7

knowing What are the various reasons why these errors can be generated?the next is try to fix them the right way in order to restore computer soundEither for listen to the sounds of Windows which often ends notifying some type of action or either to be able to play various audio files.

Accordingly, here are different methods you can try to fix this type of “No audio output device connected” error:

try another port

If you are using a desktop computer and this is presented to you mistake The first thing you should do is verify that the cable is connected correctly to the equipment port. On many occasions this is usually poorly connected for what is not given the recognition of the same and prevents the system from playing the sound that is being generated on the computer.

If the cable is well connected then you can try to fix it simply changing port cablethis error can also be caused by port that you have been using stopped working, so that I do not know anymore emits any kind of connection between the sound component and the system.

Updating a driver

power to keep updated hardware drivers or controllers it is very important to be able guarantee the very good functioning of them. In the case of computers how they work goes hand in hand with each general updates to be carried out, since they will ensure that the equipment adapts to all the new components that are coming to the market and which are being used by the various applications or programs that run on them.

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Therefore, a A good alternative to try to solve this error is to check if all the drivers of the equipment are updatedespecially that of sound. In case it is not, then you must make said update manually so that said error can be solved and you can return the audio to your PC.

restarting the computer

And finally, we present to you perhaps one of the easiest solutions to try to solve this type of error. It consists of Restart the systemkeep in mind that on many occasions when the operating system boots it usually does with some type of erroreither because some of the drivers did not load properly and are producing some kind of error on the system.

To make sure that this is the case, the first thing you should do is Restart the system Or simply turn it off and turn it back on. This will allow the operating system reboots again so it is possible that the error that is being presented with the audio output is automatically corrected.

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