CaixaBank launches for consumer credit in its first commercial offensive after Bankia

has launched its first commercial initiative for the entire branch network once completed. This is the ‘MyDreams’ campaign, with which it wants to help reactivate consumption and offer customers innovative financing solutions that help them carry out their projects next summer.

It is the largest action that the financial institution has carried out in its history, with pre-approved credit of up to 60,000 euros for 6 million customers.

This financing, valid until August 31, will be easily available to customers with the ability to pay and an adequate risk profile, and will materialize through a range of products designed for the different types of financing in which greater demand with the arrival of summer: purchases, trips, vehicles, home renovation projects and technology.

In this way, the entity highlights that ‘MyDreams’, whose signage has already been displayed both in the CaixaBank and Bankia branches, “introduces a new concept of consumer financing to the market, with innovative solutions, different from the standards traditional, and aimed at offering responses to new consumer trends and the best user experience for customers from the very moment they apply for financing”. Among these products is ‘MyCard’, a customizable card that combines the services of credit cards with the user experience of debit cards.

With this commercial offensive, CaixaBank intends to strengthen its leadership in the consumer credit market, although its dominance in this activity is less than that of other types of products, such as mortgages or pension plans. The entity controls a market share close to 23% and wants to anticipate other competitors. Some rivals, such as , have already launched a plan to attract customers with the aim of anticipating the summer season and the reactivation of the economy, with a reduction in the interest rates offered in quick loans through digital channels. .

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From CaixaBank they highlight the opportunity that this action represents, both in terms of business and increased commercial links. “If in 2020 we were close to clients to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic, in 2021 we have the responsibility of helping them realize their dreams. If we succeed, ‘MyDreams’ will become one of the central levers of the results of 2021 “, they stand out. According to estimates by CaixaBank Research, consumption will grow by 10% in Spain due to the gross savings rate.

The commercial initiative, they point out from the bank, responds to the main interests of consumers in the coming months. Thus, first of all, the home has become the center of our lives and, for this reason, there is a high demand for renovation projects and replacement of electrical appliances. Secondly, and also related to the health situation, there has been an increase in individual mobility on both two and four wheels. And thirdly, for this summer a boom in the acquisition of technological products is expected for the celebration of the Olympic Games.

hybrid card

CaixaBank has also launched this campaign in response to current trends, such as the increase in card payments, to the detriment of cash, and the greater use by consumers of pay-per-use or subscription-based methods, such as renting.

In this sense, the associated card is configurable by the user since it combines credit and debit. In other words, it combines the payment installment and purchase financing services characteristic of the former with the debit card user experience (controlling your expenses with account settlement every two days (or weekly or monthly, if required). prefer).

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The plastic ‘MyCard’ offers multiple financing options for your purchases, with the possibility of deferring payment entirely at the customer’s choice, in a period between 2 and 24 months. In addition, it is the first card of the entity that includes the possibility of grouping the payment of installment purchases. At any time, the credit option can be accessed and activated from the CaixaBank payment management mobile application.

Given that it is a fully customizable card, the entity points out that the client can also choose in which format they prefer it, since it exists in physical form -made with recycled plastic- and digitally -which can be downloaded on Android and iOS, and It is compatible with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Garmin Pay and Fitbit-. The card is available to all CaixaBank customers who want to apply for it and also to new customers.

On the other hand, the commercial campaign includes the possibility of having the latest technology and large household appliances at 0% APR and by paying a monthly fee, as well as offers for financing sustainable vehicles in leasing mode.

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