This is the protection generated by the first dose of Pfizer and Moderna

This August the Spanish vaccination campaign is focused on the immunization of those under 30 years of age, who will receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Two messenger RNA-based drugs that already produce a degree of immunity with the first injection.

How effective is generated with the first dose of Pfizer

As published in the scientific journal JAMA Open Access, the data on the effectiveness of a dose of Pfizer/BioNTech at 13-24 days is 54.4% against symptomatic infection and 51% against infection confirmed by PCR. A small percentage when compared to the immunity achieved after the second dose, which is more than 90%. In addition, the complete vaccination schedule is the safest option to be protected against the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

Twenty-somethings who get vaccinated during this August will receive their next dose within 21 days. And they will reach maximum protection against the virus seven days after receiving the second puncture.

How effective is the first dose of Moderna

A published by The New England Journal of Medicine, meanwhile, revealed that the Moderna vaccine offers immunity after the first dose between 15 and 21 days later, the range of efficacy is between 52% and 97%. “With such a protective first dose, the benefits of a short supply of vaccine could be maximized by deferring second doses until all members of the priority group are offered at least one dose,” the study explained. However, protection against the Delta variant is achieved, above all, with the second dose.

Twenty-somethings who get vaccinated during this August will receive their next dose of Moderna within 21 days. And they will reach maximum protection against the virus 14 days after receiving the second puncture.

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