How much money do I have to earn to be forced to be self employed?

Self-employment has been during the last decades one of the options most used by those people with difficulties to enter the labor market. The situation of these workers forces them to resort to self-employment. However, here a very common question arises among these entrepreneurs: “What is the minimum that I have to invoice to be forced to register as a freelancer?”.

The answer is very simple: there is no minimum. Any person who carries out an economic activity on a regular basis must become self-employed. However, this is where the problem lies, in habituality.

When do I have to register as a freelancer?

In most cases the worker will have to register as self-employed. The only exception that is contemplated is when the professional does not show regularity in his activity.

In other words, only those workers who carry out work sporadically will be exempt from registering as self-employed. However, there is no clear rule, so you always have to be vigilant. In fact, the best option is to consult the case with an expert advisor, since each situation will be totally different.

For example, those workers who have a retail establishment, a blog or website with advertisements, or an online store will have many possibilities of having to register as self-employed, despite the fact that it is done with a certain sporadic tendency.

Here another common question comes into play: “Can I issue an invoice if I am not self-employed?”. It should be borne in mind that to issue an invoice it is not necessary to register as a self-employed person, but you do have to inform the Tax Agency.

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That is to say, the worker will have to present the 037 model, of census registration, since it will not be mandatory to pay the self-employed quota but it will be necessary to comply with the obligations with the Treasury.

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