Facebook analyzes differences in the use of Facebook vs Instagram

Have you ever thought if they make people act in a certain way, or are people who use social networks differently depending on their age and social context? How come you use Facebook vs Instagram?

Imagine that it is a rainy afternoon in the United States and a 55-year-old woman is at home, checking her Facebook account to laugh at her grandchildren’s antics, and then going to Instagram and looking for ideas to remodel her kitchen. .

At that time but in another part of the world, a 23-year-old in Japan goes to Instagram on his way to work to find out what his favorite artists are doing. He then goes on Facebook and sees if his friends agree to go out to Karaoke that night.

It is very clear that each platform plays a different role in the life of each user, but how do you know if these roles vary depending on age, gender or location?

A Facebook survey gives us the answer

Facebook was curious to find out and conducted an online survey with users aged 18-64 in Australia, Japan, and the United States who use Facebook and Instagram at least once a week.

Vicki Molina-Estolanoproject leader and researcher for the Facebook IQ project, spoke about the results of this survey and what they may mean for advertisers.

According to Molina-Estolano, it’s important for advertisers to know who, how and when users are using Facebook and Instagram so they can engage people on a more relevant level.

Facebook vs Instagram: diversity of uses of two social networks

Users use Facebook compared to Instagram, but each social network meets their needs in a different way. The survey revealed that people who use both social networks, use to improve their needs of empowerment, recognition and connectionand for his part Instagram fulfills his desire to fun, relaxation and discovery.

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The study also showed that there is a wider variety of reasons why users use : following celebrities, getting inspired for crafts and being visually transported to places they have not been, while on Facebook the main attraction is the connection with friends and family.

For example, when following cultural or sporting events, people turn to Facebook to be part of the criticism, to give their opinion and to react to the evaluation of the content, but they visit Instagram for an insider perspective.

For men the platforms are practical and for women it is a more personal relationship. Parents are very active on both platforms, in addition to communicating news about their children, they search for video content on Facebook as frequently as Millennials.

As for Millennials (ages 18-34), respondents are more eager to , and more likely to follow fashion, beauty and interior design-related content on Instagram.

Using this study will improve the connection between advertisers and users

Based on these findings of Facebook vs Instagram usage differences, advertisers can experiment with sharing feedback and observations on Facebook and giving behind-the-scenes insight into content on Instagram.

Depending on the business objectives of each advertiser, the concepts should be personalized for each update and advertisement, this research can help understand the particular interests and the needs and expectations of these two social networks and thus be able to segment the advertisements presented.

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