5 secrets of the after-sales phase that will make your eCommerce grow – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Surely you are wondering what news an article on business growth can bring in the middle of 2022. Rivers of ink have been written about it! However, little is said about the importance of for the great benefits that it can generate for your eCommerce.

In fact, there are those who claim that the last stage of the shopping experience is the most profitable to optimizesince it is the one that defines the and, therefore, their loyalty to the brand. Not to mention that it is much more profitable to invest in retaining buyers than in acquiring new clients.

5 secrets that make post-sale a crucial phase for any eCommerce

1. After-sales get sales, and many

It is common for everything that follows the payment to fall a bit into oblivion. After all, the customer has already made the purchase, right? Better to allocate resources to guide new users towards conversion.

The problem is that it is precisely that user, your current customer, who has just received the package at home, the person with more likely to buy you again. Why?

First because he already knows you. It has chosen you among all your competitors and has crossed the possible barriers that could be in your funnel or in your checkout. There was, shall we say, affinity. Second, and this is the quiz of the matter, because you, as an online store, have been able to take advantage of the after-sales phase to add value to his experience and end up conquering him.

How? There are several methods. For example, providing the client with a system of shipment tracking personalized that allows you to be informed throughout the delivery process. Or with a service automatic customer service and really efficient. All these additions will improve the customer’s perception of your brand, inviting them to return in the future.

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In addition, these types of elements, such as messages or order tracking portals, have an opening rate of around 90%. It is a very significant figure, that is why they are ideal to impact the client with campaigns of or .

2. After-sales is not only focused on economic benefits

With this we do not mean that increasing income at the end of the month is something negative. In fact, if your profit margin drops, you may need to rethink your strategy.

However, for an after-sales service to be truly profitable, you must put aside the numbers for a moment and focus on the needs of your client.

For example, many of your buyers may need faster delivery, but you don’t provide it because the carrier fee is a bit higher. Another very common case is to ignore incidents or create labyrinthine return policies thought that you will avoid management costs.

This reductionist mindset may save you a small amount at first, but you’ll be lowering your customer’s satisfaction. And in the long run this is infinitely worse.

On the other hand, an after-sales strategy aimed at meeting customer needs will be much more solid, ensuring a better return on investment when the time comes.

3. After-sales turns setbacks into opportunities

You learn from small mistakes, but they can also be expensive if you don’t know how to manage them.

This is just what happens in the field of eCommerce. Small oversights such as a failed delivery, a wrong product or a delay can transform a supposedly successful order into a bad experience for your customer.

Luckily, aftermarket is here to help you. Let’s put ourselves in the case of returns. Imagine that a user is not happy with one of your products, for whatever reason, and decides to return it. The natural thing is to think that it is a lost client.

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However, by providing a returns portal that speeds up the entire process, you could turn the situation around. In this way, a customer dissatisfied with your product becomes a customer satisfied with your service.

This philosophy can be extrapolated to any vicissitude that may arise during the commercial interaction. The key is to take advantage of the possibilities offered by a channel such as after-sales to solve the problem and never sit idly by.

In addition, an online store that does to improve the difficulties of its client demonstrates two things: that it has a formidable shopping experience and that it has a real concern for the satisfaction of its clients.

4. After-sales is the best channel to understand your customers

Knowing the customer’s purchasing habits is essential when segmenting any strategy or campaign.

The problem is that many times what we think we know about our buyer is not really true, since the information comes from the fact that they have not bought. Therefore, we cannot consider it as “real customers”. They are users very close to our brand, but for some reason or another they ended up leaving.

Post-sale processes, however, do offer behavior guidelines for the ideal customer, since the purchase has already been made.

In addition, the number of activities or questions that post-sale collects is very varied, you can take advantage of it to collect information on different aspects of the client. What is the preferred shipping method? What products in your catalog do they like the least? What aspects of your services raise the most complaints or doubts?

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All these data will help you better segment information relative to your client: you will be able to optimize your shopping experience, develop a much more precise one or adjust the lead capture campaigns.

5. After-sales prevent incidents

A good part of the problems of an eCommerce in the course of its work are located in the post-sale phase.

Delays with the carrier, lost orders, damage to the package, unanswered queries, returns that do not arrive… All these types of situations, which are generally very negative for the company and costly for the online store, can be reduced if the operation is pre-optimized.

Adopting the technological measures that allow you to automate your work and centralize it will be essential.

Including quality post-checkout processes is synonymous with involvement with the ultimate needs of your client. Investing in taking care of every detail, no matter how small, is not only the future of the eCommerce industry, it is also the variable that tips the balance between an acceptable or extraordinary service.

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