4 advantages of a hybrid chatbot in your eCommerce – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Within the construction of eCommerce, customer service or ATC is a fundamental aspect, since it provides a positive customer experience, clarifying any doubts that users have, when they need it.

In this new technological era, consumer service management has been faced with a digitization process. In this way, it has gone from being managed by human advisors who spent a lot of time on recurring tasks, to the integration of chatbots that offer immediate answers automatically. The evolution of the ATC team allows human agents to dedicate greater value towards the achievement of tasks that provide higher quality.

However, although chatbots and automation offer faster and more immediate attention, it is not always the most effective for the customer. In a plane where all management is done digitally, a more personalized or human interaction can provide greater confidence and security to consumers.

That said, incorporating a hybrid system will allow you to create the best user experience, offering the best of both worlds. Now we explain what it is about and what are the advantages of a hybrid chatbot.

What is a hybrid chatbot

A , which offers automated responses based on consumer interactions, in order to emulate a conversation with users. These automated virtual assistants are built from a machine learning system, which allows them to generate responses according to user requests, thus facilitating communication processes for the business and boosting processes by automating this aspect.

However, a hybrid chatbot It is a system that combines the automation factor with personalized attention from a human advisor. In such a way that if the chatbot considers that the consumer requires more personalized attention, it will guide the consumer to an advisor. This situation can occur when they are difficult customers or if the requests made exceed the response capacity of the chatbot.

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With this system, eCommerce can integrate a customer service solution that complies with the automation provided by the artificial intelligence of the chatbot, in addition to the added value offered by an advisor thanks to their emotional intelligence. Which can offer a series of advantages for the business that will help you in your growth process.

Advantages of incorporating a hybrid chatbot system

Although a chatbot by itself offers great benefits to the company (such as cost reduction and optimization of processes and communication), a hybrid chatbot offers other types of advantages, which are more focused on the quality of service and that can help improve the presence of the company.

1. Goodbye waiting

Anyone who has ever called or sent an email to a customer service channel can get an idea of ​​the response times that are handled, which are generally long. However, by incorporating this system, the wait takes a backseat, since the simplest requests are covered by the chatbot, freeing the advisors for more complex requests and speeding up the processes. Likewise, it also allows to provide a broader attention, since the bot would always be available within the web.

2. Better frustration management and conversion boost

As we mentioned earlier, in this system the chatbot is capable of detecting when more personalized attention is needed,l detect friction within the communication process, which generally indicates a frustrated customer. In these cases the presence of an advisor is crucial, since by being able to establish a more human interaction it is possible to manage the situation to offer a satisfactory solution to the client. With which sales could be recovered and conversion rates boosted.

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It even allows the implementation of techniques of up-selling or cross-selling, to be able to handle the situation to the client and take him to finalize his purchase. In addition, good service is a determining factor for customer loyalty.

3. Boost productivity

One of the most important aspects of this system is its ability to boost productivity within the company. This is because the automation of the chatbot to respond to the simplest requests frees the advisors to generate other types of more specific tasks. In this way, you can not only focus on other types of tasks within the company’s workflow, but also on boosting sales and attracting new customers. In addition, it allows you to maintain greater control over the volume of queries by quickly serving consumers.

4. Cost reduction

Cost reduction is very important for any eCommerce, especially if it is growing. In this way you can focus your budget to reinforce other areas of the business that are necessary. For this reason, maintaining a hybrid chatbot system is considered an effective and economical solution. Thanks to which you can offer a service that covers the different needs of customers, without involving a large investment.

Finally, taking into account the advantages offered by this customer service, it is an excellent option to integrate into any type of eCommerce. In addition to the fact that there is currently a wide variety of companies that offer customer service through chatbots, as is the case with and its hybrid chatbot solution.

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