Learning routes: what they are and how they are applied in education

With so many learning possibilities being embraced today, it can be seen that each person has their own way of absorbing knowledge and developing their skills.

To cater to and deliver learning that works on the individuality and possibilities of choice of each student, the learning path becomes an excellent option to provide personalized and optimized teaching.

She can also join a team of collaborators and ensure better results in a .

What are learning paths?

The learning routes are sequences of activities for you and develop certain skills.

These routes can go far beyond the video classes of a also offering tools such as audios, images, as well as theoretical and practical tasks that involve the chosen learning topic.

A very important point in these routes is the benefit that each student acquires by building the best according to the available materials. So each person will take a different path to receive the same knowledge.

What are the types of learning paths?

There are two types of learning paths that you can develop for your students and collaborators:

1. General Learning Paths

The general learning path works on broader skills that involve many different sectors. It is a basic path that provides the necessary knowledge that the organization wants to share with its entire team.

2. Specific Learning Routes

Already the specific learning path, on the other hand, is much more segmented and serves a specific audience of learners who want to develop deep competencies and skills in a particular field of study.

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What is the difference between a learning path and a training?

A learning path and a training have some differences, although their main objective is to transmit certain knowledge to the students.

Although the training has a grid of activities and subjects that all students must complete, the learning path is much freer, since it allows each student to choose which study methods they will use throughout the process.

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Another point is that training does not allow us to work on individual skills and abilities, while the routes enable a motivating students to study in the way that seems best to them.

What are the advantages of the learning path?

1. Autonomy of the participants

Students have more freedom to choose the best teaching method. They define what tools they will use in the process and, thus, they will do so at the ideal time and with the necessary quality according to their level of learning.

When we talk about this is even more important, because the participants of the learning path will feel more committed to completing it because they know that they have more power over the entire path traced.

2. Alignment between company and collaborators

With collaborators developing their skills and competencies with the best performance, alignment with the company becomes easier, since employees to apply what they know and learn without limitations.

3. Individualized teaching

Each person will learn in the way that seems most practical. This will increase the effectiveness of the knowledge imparted, students and collaborators will be more satisfied, as well as being able to put what they have learned into action more easily.

4. Diversity of stimuli

You can incorporate multiple channels and content formats in a single learning path by sharing information through videos, texts, audios and images.

This will allow each person’s learning to be better explored through the most favorable stimulus and will make the process much more interesting.

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How to create learning paths?

Now that you’ve seen the benefits of a learning path, whether general or specific, it’s time to create your own! We see it?

1. Know your target audience

To develop a learning path that really meets the goals and skills of your target audience, you need to know them well. This means that you must study that public (either internal or external, depending on who is the focus of the created route).

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2. Choose the model to be used

Decide if the learning path will be general or specific. Understanding the public will already give you a vision of the best model, but it all depends on the final objective: to convey general and applicable knowledge for various sectors or in-depth knowledge for a specific segment.

3. Define the most appropriate teaching methodologies

This is where you will determine which tools, channels and content formats will be part of the path.

Invest in and tools in (including mobile versions) is a great option for both external audience and corporate education.

4. Organize and produce educational content and materials

In order for you to have a good learning path, you must organize yourself for the stage of.

Whether they are scripts, ebooks, audios or images: any content will need a good research stage to achieve the objective in the learning process.

Try to deliver different formats so that the student can choose the one that best suits their study routine.

5. Include storytelling in the learning paths

The It is an amazing element to keep the student’s attention during the route and make sure that he understands the content more easily.

Develop a story, include a character and trace a path together with the proposed stages and activities. Mix elements of fiction with the teaching material presented.

6. Bet on gamification

The Increases the engagement of learners and collaborators who use the learning path, since the content is presented from a more fun and interactive perspective.

The material becomes more didactic and the student feels more motivated and challenged to continue with their learning path.

There are specific platforms and companies that incorporate gamification in educational projects, something that has been growing and gaining prominence in the field of online education.

7. Determine metrics to measure results

Select the that will facilitate the analysis of the performance of the learning path of your business. These metrics will serve as a thermometer to understand if the knowledge developed met expectations or if you need to improve it.

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Some metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the route can be measured by applying tests after the completed stages, observing the productivity of the theoretical and practical tasks and analyzing the number of materials or learning stages that were rejected, for example.

8. Create a timeline for implementation

Every project needs and programming. Determine the deadlines to deliver the research, development and results measurement stages of the learning path in question.

Have goals, objectives and organize yourself to offer something more effective to collaborators and students. Respect the dates and rules established during the process.

Walking easier learning paths

Providing insights that truly add to an audience with their individuality and needs is not easy.

However, it has become critical to understand that teaching must move from following a single structure to encompassing a variety of structures that complement each other and serve different people with different needs and goals.

The business environment that makes better use of the skills and competencies of its employees can also encourage, to the extent possible, that these skills and competencies are used to improve business results.

The learning path provides a new perspective for teaching and gives more autonomy to the student to do the best with the available material. This will bring benefits both inside and outside your business.

Offering quality content that exceeds the expectations of your audience is essential to stand out in the market, that’s why we have a complete content so that for your courses and learning paths.

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