What are agile methodologies and what are they for? Recognize them now.

For years, new models of Projects managementseeking to obtain better results with less effort and save time.

In this sense, specialists from the world of business and new technologies have created methods to optimize their time and that of their work teams.

Considering these aspects, we have prepared this post to explain what agile methodologies are and how they can positively impact your business. Keep reading!

What are agile methodologies?

They are those that allow you to adapt the work model to the needs and conditions of a project, to execute it more efficiently.

These are tools that are adapted to continuous change, not only technological, but also to those that arise in any process, such as those related to Management .

For agile methodologies, it is important to be able to make changes quickly and easily, since their objective is to position the businesses that use them among the most competitive in the market.

Many companies are dedicated to a certain service, but customers will always look for those that offer it in less time, more personalized and solve any unforeseen event that appears along the way.

In a few words, agile methodologies drive all the processes of a business, optimizing its resources to the maximum.

You can take advantage of its benefits if you do frequently, reinventing yourself and determining which are the points to reinforce and what good practices you are carrying out.

It is even possible to compare businesses that use tools such as Scrum, Kanban or the with others using traditional methods. The difference translates into tangible results such as better delivery times, customization and less use of resources.

In a world as changing and demanding as the current one, agile methodologies are a differentiator that can determine the success of a product, because a business that is not prepared for constant innovations cannot survive. let alone succeed.

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What are agile methodologies for?

Agile methodologies provide more than a work guide, they are a way to execute all tasks, whether large or small, with practicality.

In addition, they allow the simultaneous development of several processes in the same project and eliminating the limitations of vertical methods, in which an action can only start after the previous one has finished.

Know the fundamentals of agile methodologies

These methods have a series of standards embodied in the Agile manifesto that has twelve fundamental characteristics, aimed at continuous technological, innovative, environmental change, etc.

Here, we present the four most important axes on which the continuous work tools have been built.

1. Divide the tasks

Every time you start a new project you should divide the tasks. Thus, you will be clear about the resources you will need at each stage and you will be able to measure the efficiency with which you are advancing.

By breaking a task down into smaller ones, you exert much greater control over each step taken.

2. Accept the changes

Wherever they come from, always receive them well, because the faster you adapt, the more you can develop.

3. The client is part of the team

Many businesses see customers as an enemy that must be defeated by giving them what they ask for, but this is not the case. They are a basic point of all tasks, because nobody knows better what they are looking for.

So include them in your progress and consider them part of your team. In this way, your product or service will have far fewer failures.

4. Zero or minimal margin of error

Due to the simplified nature of agile methodologies, it is possible to reduce the margin of error to a minimum, since you can detect and resolve errors in time.

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Unlike the traditional model in which errors only appear at the end, bringing greater losses and costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of agile methodologies

Like everything, these methodologies have their pros and cons, although in the long term it is expected that many of the disadvantages will be resolved.


  • Projects effectively.
  • Adaptability.
  • Work teams operating with ease and practicality.
  • Customer collaboration that gets you the results you want.


  • Due to the rapid adaptability, there is little documentation of the development processes, which could make exact repetition of success formulas impossible.
  • It focuses its potential on people, creating a certain dependence on them.

Types of most used agile methodologies

Currently, there are many agile models adapted to different types of projects and styles. Here are some examples.

1. SCRUM Methodology

This is the ideal methodology for large projects, since it separates each stage into small parts, and then subdivides them into three fundamental steps: analysis, development and testing.

In this way, it is almost impossible to make mistakes because you can detect them in time.

One of the best examples of Scrum is the Product Owner, the implementation based on the request of the stakeholders.

2. Agile KANBAN methodology

Have you ever felt the need to create a task schedule for each project?

Well, with the KANBAN method you will be able to carry it out, since its main objective is to be clear about the activities to be done and carried out, preparing a kind of visual card divided into three boxes: pending tasks, in progress or completed.

3. Extreme Programming Methodology (XP)

As we have already told you, the client turns out to be a strategic ally in the development of a product or service. Thanks to Extreme Programming, the previously rigid communication with the consumers of the product or service is simplified, by including them in the work teams.

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4. Lean Six Sigma Methodology

Thanks to the lean methodology faults are identified as opportunities for improvement, accounting for errors in a developed product.

If it is more than 3 sigma, you should change it. Thus, you measure the evolution of your business, identifying failures and solving them to constantly improve.

5. Design sprint

If you want to make a completely personalized product, this is the ideal methodology, since it focuses on the human being as the axis of development.

Its purchasing power, among other qualities related to the final consumer, allows them to fulfill their desires and attend to their needs.

6.Agile Inception

Through this method, you can define the reasons for designing a project and list the points that inspire you to solve problems.

7.Product Box

With this methodology, it is possible to materialize and define how you would sell your project if you had to display its best features in a shopping center.

Improve the effectiveness of your management

Now that you know what agile methodologies are, what their strengths are and how you can apply them in your business, it’s time to give your management a boost.

Remember that agility, understanding the needs of your customers and listening to them to offer them a product that solves their pain can be the key to success for many entrepreneurs, like you.

And to give you a little help in this regard, we leave you a post with everything you need to know about . Do not waste it!

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