Professional career: 11 simple tips to accelerate your career

If you think of a traditional career model, work relationships are based on the search for stability, the employee’s loyalty to the company and vertical progression.

In the modern model, the objective is no longer to grow in the same company until reaching management positions, but to look for job opportunities that align with your personal values ​​and allow the satisfaction of desires such as freedom, comfort, flexibility and dynamism.

With the career increasingly in the hands of the professional, the responsibility for their success and growth depends only on their effort and dedication. But there is always the question of what needs to be done in order to accelerate the professional career.

Discover 11 simple hacks that can help you get your career off the ground!

Define your professional goal

If you want to accelerate your professional career, the first step is .

Start by thinking about the positions you want and what are the skills necessary to carry out the related activities.

For example, if your goal is to reach a leadership position, it is essential to develop personal skills. If your focus is , focus on good professional connections, organization and planning. But if you want It is essential to have a good portfolio of services.

Knowing where you want to go, it is easier to establish an action plan, adopt the correct postures and, consequently, achieve the stipulated goals.

11 tips to grow professionally

After you have understood and specified your goal, it is time to start thinking about the best ways to accelerate your career.

1. Network

Regardless of the area in which you operate, networking is an essential strategy to accelerate your professional career.

when you surround yourself with investors, consumers and professionals of your you acquire new knowledge that can be applied in your work routine, either as an employee or as an entrepreneur.

This networking can be done by participating in events in your area. Believe it, there is no better place to meet professionals from the same market and, at the same time, be known and recognized for what you do.

2. Do not limit yourself to your scope of work

Before carrying out a job, we are informed or previously elaborate a set of obligations that serve to guide us on everything that must be done. However, if you are looking for growth in professional life, it is necessary to go beyond the obvious and the expected, a concept also known as overdelivery.

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Innovate in processes, seek new knowledge and be proactive! In this way, you stand out in the area in which you operate and still contribute to the growth of the company.

In the case of entrepreneurs, it is also important to always be on the lookout for opportunities for improvement. Therefore, in order to offer a more complete shopping experience to those who are arriving now, take into account the tools that can improve your attention, conduct opinion surveys with your customers and verify what your competitor is doing. That way you offer a more complete shopping experience!

3. Help other people whenever possible

We all at some point in our lives have the help of other people, directly or indirectly, right?

For that reason, when doing your job, offer help and make yourself available whenever possible.

By behaving in a useful manner, you not only help your colleagues perform well, but you have the possibility of acquiring knowledge that can help you carry out your own tasks.

Yes , there are also many ways to help. You can, for example, make alliances or promote brands and new entrepreneurs, or even generate value for your and clients, daily, with relevant and quality content

4. Assume and propose projects

For those who work in a company, making yourself available to take on new projects is an interesting strategy that allows you to gain the trust of leaders, demonstrate your commitment to work and, moreover, your versatility and initiative.

You can request projects proposed by the company itself or, realizing that a certain area would benefit from a specific project, propose its implementation, presenting the benefits that such an action could provide to the institution.

If you are an entrepreneur, taking on new projects, either alone or in partnership with brands in your segment, is also an excellent way to energize and .

5. Learn from your leaders

To assume a leadership position, it is necessary to have certain personal characteristics and skills, because, far beyond just commanding people, it is important to influence them in a positive way.

Thus, if in your professional day-to-day life you live with leaders, allow yourself to learn from them, from their behaviors, attitudes and positions in the work environment. If you want to grow in your professional career, nothing better than being inspired by people who have already reached higher positions.

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If you are your own boss, you can be inspired by professionals who are benchmarks in your sector. In general, these people are present in social networks like and are very accessible to talk.

6. Set daily goals

To achieve your goals and unfold your professional career, start setting daily goals that help you and select the most important tasks to achieve them.

Remember to set real goals, which are challenging, but also possible to meet, since setting very bold goals that are difficult to achieve can generate feelings of frustration and discouragement.

7. Have a to-do schedule

We know it sounds cliché, but definitely the .

In order not to get lost in the midst of the various daily tasks and manage to fit them in and fulfill them properly and within the stipulated period, you can make use of a physical or virtual agenda.

By listing all the tasks and being able to see the day as a whole, it is easier to fulfill the obligations that you set for yourself.

8. Learn to prioritize

In a work environment that requires you to be a multitasking professional, knowing how to prioritize is essential.

Of course, all activities are important and must be completed within the established deadline, but it is necessary to know how to define which ones require more attention.

To make things easier, you can, for example, indicate the degree of priority in your daily task agenda, so that you know which ones should be executed as a priority. This suggestion is also valid for entrepreneurs.

9. Update your LinkedIn

is a social network that aims to connect professionals from all over the world.

Remember the first suggestion we presented in this text: making contacts is essential to accelerate your professional career.

Therefore, having a profile and keeping it always updated and interesting helps to attract the right people, who have the potential to become partners, consumers or investors in your business.

With your profile you must present to other professionals what you are doing, what your areas of interest are, your skills, among other relevant information. Sharing the content you produce on the platform is also useful for on the topic and segment you decided to exploit.

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10. Take courses

To be successful in any area of ​​action, it is essential to keep updated and seek more and more improvement and specialization.

Invest time and money in courses that offer you new knowledge and innovative possibilities to stand out in the job market.

11. Have a blog

have a For the publication of content related to your market niche, it is an excellent digital marketing strategy aimed at gaining the trust of users and being recognized for what you publish. In addition, you become a reference on the subject!

On the other hand, with the production of material that adds value to the public, you share your knowledge and begin to attract people who have an interest in the specific sector in which you operate! This way you will have a loyal audience that values ​​what you do!

4 interesting career books

To inspire you in this search for an evolution in your professional life, we recommend reading some very interesting books that talk about your professional career and can help you achieve your goals:

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie;
  2. The power of habits – Charles Duhigg;
  3. The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz;
  4. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey.

So what do you say to me? Do you want to develop your professional career?

If you are feeling that the time has come to accelerate your professional career, do not wait for something to start the change. Becoming a benchmark in the area in which you operate depends only on you, on your proactivity, determination and, of course, ethical posture with the people you work with.

Take advantage to start now to make professional connections, set goals and organize yourself to reach your goals as quickly as possible.

In case your approach is to undertake, be sure to also see our advice on !

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