6 applications to make videos for your social networks

Applications to make videos and edit photos are essential tools for those who aspire to manage their business’s social networks well. And it is that, at present, there are few tools as effective as video marketing when it comes to communicating and connecting with the audience.

Editing quickly, easily and cheaply, while maintaining quality, is essential to reap all the benefits the digital world has to offer.

From to , every day it is more necessary to integrate video into your content strategy. But how to create original videos that help us gain followers and find potential customers?

In this article we will show you some video editing apps that will make your job much easier.

How to edit your videos and why is it important to do it?

Since the pandemic, the digital plane is more relevant and in this new reality the trend is notably leaning towards the visual. Statistics show that the creation of video content has accelerated at a rate that no one could have imagined.

According to , 69% of people say they would rather learn about a new product or service by watching a short video. Even 84% say that they were convinced to buy a product by watching a brand’s video, so it is possible.

The paradigm shift is evident and in the face of this there is a growing trend of social networks to favor this type of content over the rest.

Luckily, long gone are the days when producing this type of audiovisual content required the use of expensive equipment and a large budget. The solution is simple and within reach: your smartphone. There are, for example, very easy to use and with which you can achieve excellent results. The same goes for videos!

Even some experts say that the cell phone is now not only the preferred device to view content (along with tablets), but also to create it. This is due to the fact that videos made on mobile devices are content that the audience can easily identify with.

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Here we recommend 6 applications to edit videos on the cell phone that you cannot lose sight of.

6 apps to edit videos


It is one of the most popular photo video editing apps on the market. One of its main advantages is that it allows you to adapt, among other things, the typography, making it ideal for adjusting your videos according to the brand.

With this app you will be able to integrate music, add stickers, add filters, keep your , among other editing options. It is intuitive and constantly updated.

It is available for e . It’s free with paid options,


This free app from ByteDance (the company from the creators of Tik Tok) has almost unlimited special effects.

It stands out not only for its filters and stickers, but also for the arsenal of licensed music that it shares with the popular social network. In addition, it allows you to change the order of the clips and add transitions.

It is available in and .

3. BV

It has the functions of a professional video editor while remaining a practical and easy-to-use application. VN has a wide variety of features and tools that are ideal for product videos.

One of its particularities is that it allows you to use presets (previously configured development settings) from other applications such as Lightroom. In addition, it is ad-free and allows you to export the videos without the watermark.

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Available for and .

4. Magisto

This application is totally different from the rest, since it is the only one that automatically edits videos thanks to its . The result is usually quite professional and can be perfect with a few modifications.

While the ideal is always to create custom content, if it’s an emergency where you need your video ready as quickly as possible, this could be an option.

Free and with paid options, available for and

5. Complexion

If you focus on impeccable aesthetics in your brand profiles on social networks, the options offered by this application could be useful.

Tezza is well known for its easy-to-use tools and for having the most creative and original filters. Especially recommended for those who prefer the vintage style.

The option for video is available in its paid version. Available in and r.


This application has very interesting effects and tools with which it is possible to do all kinds of interventions (from mixing videos to extracting and replacing colors).

It is characterized by achieving high-quality videos, since it even takes care of the tone of the photographs and the resources used.

Available in and .

Some final tips for making quality videos

  • Add unique text animations. For this you can use applications like .
  • Try to keep the content short. Users prefer short videos over long videos. In fact, this format has a higher ROI than any other social media marketing strategy and therefore a
  • Use the most popular musical themes to ensure that your video is the most viewed.
  • I included subtitles. of social networks watch the videos without sound. By adding subtitles you make sure you get your message across, while capturing the attention of your audience. For this there are applications like or .
  • Combine different applications to take advantage of the tools of each one until you achieve the desired result.
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Brands that use these techniques to enhance their networks

We present some examples of Tiendanube that use these tools to connect with their audiences and attract potential customers.

This is Merry Christmas

In their reels they use trending audios and popular music. His videos appeal to humor and often include subtitles.

Play for Fun

They use a personalized font adjusted to their branding. Its content is made in a humorous tone and for this they use the resource of the voice in off.


They use visual resources (graphics, animations and transitions) to make their content more dynamic.


The video will continue to strengthen in the digital world and will position itself as one of the . With these tools you will surely make the most of it!

Now that you know the best applications to make videos for your social networks, it’s time to start editing and publishing. Always remember to choose a style according to the branding of your brand and create original videos that respond to the most popular user searches.

Knowing how to exploit all the features that social networks have to offer can make a difference when it comes to growing your business. And if you still don’t have an online store, what are you waiting for? . We give you a 30-day free trial.

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