What is the mission of a company and why is it vital for your business

The mission it is very important for your company, because it tells the world what you want to achieve as a business and how you will achieve that goal. When those who work with you fully understand The mission that the organization has, the path to success and the objectives will be clearer.

It is present in all companies, although many of them may not be clear about it. Despite its importance to the bottom line of the organization, it is often confused with vision. Today we will help to find it to all those who start their company from the foundations, and incidentally, we will do a great favor to the human resources areas of the world by explaining with examples what is the mission of a company and why is it vital for your business.

What is the mission and vision of a company?

To understand what is The mission and vision of a companya, it is best to explain to you how they work and complement each other. The mission tells the world what a company wants to achieve, what means it will rely on to achieve it, and for whom the effort is directed. For its part, the vision tells how the world will look in the future and the positive changes that will occur if the company fulfills its mission.

Both concepts, together with values, form the foundations of the organizational culture or the philosophy of your companywhich is all the thought that explains the reason for being and acting of your organization.

But for the avoidance of doubt, let’s see The mission from a company that you are sure to locate:

Starbucks communicates with its mission what you want to achieve (“inspire and nurture the human spirit”), the means you will use to achieve it (“a cup”, most likely venti), and for whom this effort is directed (“the community” and its people). ☕

What is a company mission for?

The mission of a company it serves to give focus to the efforts and initiatives that it seeks to achieve. If the vision is a long-term interpretation of what you would like to achieve, The mission It is the short and medium term recipe that you will use to achieve it.

Following this idea, The mission Communicate what you have your sights set on — your purpose — so that different audiences understand your reason for being and why you are a good fit for them.

Depending on the audience you are targeting, the importance of The mission can be divided into three interest groups:

Importance of the mission for the organization

To communicate effectively to the outside, it is vital to start from the inside. As part of a good organizational culture, that your collaborators know The mission It ensures that each individual effort is aligned with what is desired to be achieved collectively.

Importance of the mission for the client

Although it never hurts that your real and potential clients are familiar with your mission, the reality is that they will receive the most important part: the results of the efforts that your company will make. After all, actions speak louder than words.

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Importance to the mission market

The mission communicate to the industry, investors and possible allies the manner and means that you will use on your journey. This tells your entourage the role you play in the industry segment you represent, how you will help, and how those who follow your path can help.

In addition to being important to your different target audiences, it also matters that that mission is communicated effectively and that, above all, it is relevant to the organization’s actions.

One in 2020, showed that although 82% of the workers surveyed confirmed the importance of having a business purpose, only 42% considered that this purpose had a real impact in the conduct of the company.

Translation: It’s great to have a mission, but it’s even more so when it actually has an effect on the actions of your business.

Examples of a company’s mission and vision

To better understand how to communicate The mission and company vision within important organizations, we will give you some examples that will serve to clarify doubts, and why not?, also to inspire you to write those of your new venture or rework those of your family business.


🎯 Mission: “We believe in upholding all beauty, living with courage, and coming together bravely to celebrate our differences.”

🌎 Vision: “We will never stop until we build a community where diversity rules, self-expression is respected, open to everyone, and you are a part of it.”

💥 The data: so much The mission, such as Sephora’s vision are included in their Manifesto, which you can find on a site dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion that motivate their reason for being and how they achieve it: . That’s conviction!


🎯 Mission: “Accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

🌎 Vision: “Tesla believes that the faster the world weans itself off fossil fuels and moves toward a zero-emissions future, the better. Electric cars, batteries, and renewable energy generation and storage already exist independently, but when you combine them, they become more powerful. That is the future we want.”

💥 The data: Though The mission of this company has not changed since its creation, the vision has become much more specific over the years and explains how to achieve the future that Tesla wants for the world. And with every release of the car from him, they adjust it.


🎯 Mission: “connecting professionals from all over the world to help them be more productive and achieve all their work goals.”

🌎 Vision: “Create economic opportunities for every professional in the international labor market”.

💥 The data: In the time it took you to get to this part of the article, approximately 24 people were hired for a new job through LinkedIn (four every minute), according to .

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🎯 Mission: “Spread ideas”. Precise, concise, solid. Those from TED are great.

🌎 Vision: “We passionately believe how the power of ideas can change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.”

💥 The data: With everything and that TED has shown plurality and has been in charge of giving space to all the voices that can improve our reality, on its site dedicated to demystifying false beliefs around the position of the organization. In case there were any doubts.

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Mary Kay

🎯 Mission: “enrich the lives of women around the world”.

🌎 Vision: “Let every woman say she loves Mary Kay for its rewarding business opportunity, its irresistible, best-selling products, and its positive impact on the community.”

💥 The data: As an example of the importance that this company, a pool of thousands of entrepreneurs, gives to what is essential, we have one of the most used phrases by its founder, Mary Kay Ash: “never, absolutely never, compromise your principles”.


🎯 Mission: “use emerging technology to enhance our experiences as human beings in the physical world.”

🌎 Vision: “Encouraging our gamers to get out there, visit new places near and far from home, see the world from a new perspective, and join friends and family in games that bring the entire planet together.”

💥 The data: despite Pokémon GONiantic’s masterpiece, has decreased its number of active users, and therefore its profits, reported that in the 5 years since its creation, the game has generated 5 billion dollars in profits.

How to define the mission of a company?

To define The mission of a company, it is important to have detailed knowledge of your goals, the means you use to reach themand of course, accurate understanding of the importance of the message you want to convey.

being The mission something that can vary so much between organizations, there are multiple methods to get to that powerful phrase you are looking for. But most of them require pointing out several elements that make up your company, others that you will need to find and, as always, it is good to have the support of your collaborators to receive feedback.

So the method we recommend for making The mission of your company is the following:

1. Answer those key questions that will give you the action of your company

For this part, it is very useful to start with basic points that will serve as guides for the rest of the concept. You get these points with this group of simple questions:

  • What do we do? What do we do?
  • How do we do it? What do we do differently to achieve it?
  • Who do we do it for? What do they mean to us?
  • Why do we do what we do? What is our purpose? (after reviewing point #4, you come back here 😉).
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2. Focus on making contact with your stakeholders

Do you remember how we explained to you at the beginning the three interest groups for which it is important to know your mission? Well, it is important to define the relationship between what you want to achieve with your company and each of these groups. It is not necessary to return to that part, here we remind you:

  • For the organization: What does your company do for your collaborators? How do you involve them in what you do?
  • For the customer: What does your company do for your customers? What is the effect on their lives when they come into contact with your brand?
  • To the market: What does your company do for the market segment to which it belongs? How can the allies of your segment grow thanks to what you do?

3. Write a powerful phrase

As you could see in the examples that we presented to you, The mission It must be a short, precise and very strong sentence, capable of describing in a concrete way what you want to achieve, the means you will use to achieve it and for whom that effort will be directed. So, to get off that idea successfully, here are some tips:

  • If what you are looking for is to inspire, honesty is always the best way.
  • Your mission determines from daily actions to medium-term goals. Therefore, you must be realistic about your scope.
  • Be brief, less is more (The mission from TED is the best example of this).
  • Stay away from jargon or complex language. Remind the interest groups to whom everything must be made clear.
  • Your mission should be a reflection of your company. If you copy or use The mission from another company as a base, it will be noticed. WE WILL NOTICE IT. 😈
  • Avoid making a simple list of the services or products you offer. That was a practice in previous decades that had no real use.
  • When you have the phrase, review it, get feedback and adjust. It is normal that it does not come out on the first attempts (or the second and third). Don’t lose patience.

4. Find your ‘why’ and your purpose

While you’re on the hunt for the items that will fuel your mission, there’s one all-important item to keep on your radar: find the ‘why’ of your company. Simon Sinek—consultant, lecturer, and anthropological marketing scholar—developed a model called The Golden Circlewhat part of a…

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