5 mistakes for which you have visits but they do not buy

One of the most common challenges when you are starting out is probably how to drive more traffic to your online store. But it can also happen that once you get more traffic and more and more people come to your store, you discover that many arrive but buy few.

That’s where you start to worry. What’s going on? You’ve finally got people to come to your store, but no one seems to be interested in what you’re offering. “Does no one like what they see? Will the prices be too high? Missing? Leftovers?” are many of the logical questions that will go through your head.

That is why today I want to share 5 common mistakes that you may be making when it comes to driving traffic to your store, so that you can see if through any of those ways you will be able to convert those visits into sales.

The first errors may have to do with the traffic itself:

1) Perhaps what seems “many” visits are not so many

The first point before drawing the conclusion that you are having many visits but nobody buys, is to make sure that there really are many.

Sometimes we see numbers that seem high to us, because in offline life if 400 people enter your premises it would be a lot, but in the online world the parameters are different. In the end, clicking on an ad is much easier, free, and effortless than getting in the car, driving, parking, and walking into a store. So what is a lot for one world is not necessarily a lot for another.

Also taking into account that the conversions (the % of people who buy over the total number of visits you have) when you are starting out probably go on an average between 1% and 3%; Assuming you’re in the middle, you’d have to be getting at least 5,000 hits per month to make 100 sales.

So the first thing that should be checked is that indeed many are many; to make sure you’re expecting sales numbers that speak to the number of people coming to your store. To make sure that your expectations are correct in the first place.

If you see that you are actually having a high number of visits, but the sales are not proportional, then let’s move on to the rest of the possible errors.

2) You are not carrying the right traffic

This is one of the most common errors and it is a segmentation or target issue. Maybe you’re really getting a lot of hits, but they’re not the right hits. They are not people who have the characteristics that you have defined of your ideal client or target.

To see an extreme case, if you have a brand of baby items, but the people who are coming to your store are women who do not have children; there we would have a segmentation problem. It is an extreme case, but not so rare.

Perhaps you ask yourself, and then why do they go to your page? Again, because clicking is easy and free.

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Here what you should do to make sure that the people who come to your online store are really potential customers is:

  • Define who those potential customers are for you, because if you are not clear about who exactly you want to attract, it will happen to you that you will attract anyone. Who is it really? What it’s like? You have to define this in as much detail as possible, so that everything you do speaks only to that person. Otherwise, your messages will be so generic that you will not attract anyone’s attention or that you will attract the attention of anyone who will not buy later.
  • Target your posts for that customer you defined. Once you know who you want to bring to your online store, you can take advantage of Facebook’s targeting tools to show your posts to only those exact types of people. But not only by age or geographical area, but the magic is in doing it at the highest possible level of detail, choosing by interests, pages you follow or job position. If, for example, you know that your ideal client reads the magazine “Ohlalá”, you could make a segment on Facebook choosing that as an interest and show your posts only to women who follow that magazine. Do you see the power it has? The more you learn and know about your ideal customer, the more you can harness the power of that segmentation.
  • Test, test and test more, because one of the most common mistakes at the beginning is to make posts on Facebook or Instagram to drive traffic to your online store, but not taking the time to measure what works. One of the secrets to getting the most out of social media is to just test, measure, adjust, retest, and start that cycle all over again. For example, you can set up different audiences and test which one reacts best to your posts. Then to the audience that works best, try showing them two different types of ads and see which of those works best, and so on and on. Until you find the mix that works best for your store.

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If you think that the traffic you are getting is enough and it is of quality, then perhaps it is about improving conversions, and these are some of the most common mistakes that you could be making in this regard:

3) You’re not keeping those visitors coming back

“About 96% of the people who enter your store for the first time are not ready to buy” (Source: ). With which it may be logical that you are having many visits but few purchases.

The issue is what we do with those people who arrive, they are not ready to buy at that moment, but they could buy later. The most common mistake is that we do nothing.

We focus on driving more and more traffic, but then we do nothing to keep those people coming back.

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The strategies you could do to achieve this are:

  • Capture the email: one of the main objectives that your online store should have is to capture the email of that visit that arrives for the first time. As we know that in 96% of cases you are not going to buy, what we should achieve then is that you at least leave us your email, to maintain communication until later you are ready to buy.
  • Do re-marketing with Facebook: One of Facebook’s most powerful tools is the ability to post to custom audiences based on actions they take on your own online store. What does it mean? You could, for example, show an ad only to people who visited a certain product page in your online store but did not buy; or to all the people who visited your online store in the last 30 days; or people who added something to the cart but didn’t buy. This possibility of Facebook is one of the most powerful tools of digital marketing, but one that is often not taken advantage of. It is called re-marketing, because it is marketing to someone who has already had some previous interaction with your business. It is precisely a way to make those people who have already visited your store come back. If you are interested, you can here.

4) Your product pages are not sales

Another of the common mistakes that may be harming your sales is that your product pages are not doing a good job as sellers.

I see this many times. Product pages that have low-quality photos or basic descriptions. It is not uncommon for me to see descriptions that only say “30x40cm, brown”. And I can’t help but think what you would think if you entered a store and the saleswoman approaches you, she looks at you, she says “30x40cm, brown” and she leaves. You would clearly think that she has some problem or turned into a robot.

For some reason in your online store that does not catch your attention, but in the end, your product pages are your sellers. They are one of the most important contacts you will have with that person who got there because she is interested in what you are offering.

This page is the one that should help you close that sale, with which you have to:

  • Have photos of the best possible quality so that the person can zoom in and see all the detail they want.
  • Ideally have photos of the product only but also of the product in use or in context, to be able to dimension the size or inspire how it could be used or how it looks.
  • Descriptions must be complete but also to be human, not as if a robot were talking to her. Speak with the tone of voice that you would speak to him if he were in front of you. Make it not just a list of attributes, it is your opportunity to continue connecting that person with your brand, so he tries to put a little of your personality into your descriptions. They are not the same as the store next door.
  • Answer all the doubts that may arise: Regardless of whether you have a section with frequently asked questions or with the purchase process, if there are questions that you know you get asked over and over again and that may be the main barriers, below the product descriptions can be a good place to repeat the most frequently asked questions.
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5) You are missing generating more confidence

Finally, but one of the most important things, is that without trust there are no sales, so one of the mistakes that you may be making in your online store is that you are missing elements that help you generate that trust.

It may be that you are driving the right traffic, that your product pages are really complete and invite people to buy, but when that person is ready to add the product to the cart and pay, they begin to have doubts about whether it will be reliable to buy online. your store.

“How do you know if it’s going to be okay? How do you know you’re not going to cheat on him? What happens if it doesn’t fit you or if it comes in a size that doesn’t fit? Wouldn’t it be better to buy from a brand that he already knows?” All valid and very common questions that can go through the head of that person who is there in front of your product.

Some elements that can help you are:

  • Put a face on your online store: make the most of the “Who Am I” or “Who We Are” section. It is a section that is usually very little used, with a basic text or without much heart. It is your opportunity to generate that “more human” contact, as if you were there.
  • Show that others already trust you: With reviews, testimonials, real customer stories or a “best sellers” section, showing that others have already chosen those products.
  • Show that the process is clear and without surprises– With a detailed “how to buy” section, FAQs, and clear policies.
  • Show the product as it is and as clearly as possible: as we saw in the previous point, with complete descriptions, quality photos and all the relevant information for someone who is thinking of buying.
  • Be readily available and accessible: visible and clear contact information, online chat or any type of easy access to ask questions that may arise before buying.

If you think this is what you may be missing, here you can.

Of course these are not the only reasons for what may be happening, but they are some of the most common and a guide that can help you…

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