How to improve the loading time of your online store

Loading time is one of the crucial points to consider when optimizing a website for search engines (SEO). If your page has a worse loading time than your competitor’s, that will work against you when a potential client does a search related to your business.

Why load time is important for SEO?

According to studies carried out by Google itself, the delay in loading time can make a user give up visiting a site, making a purchase and, in the worst case, never visiting it again. This generates a poor user experience and makes this issue an important factor for the site to rank well in search engines.

How do I know if my site has a good load time?

Google has a free tool called , which allows you to check if the loading time of your online store is good or bad, as well as giving you some tips so you can improve it. It works like this:

In the example above we use the Tiendanube page as a model. The score that evaluates the speed of the site goes from 0 to 100 and the objective is that the note is green, since that means that the loading time of the page is fine. In addition, this tool will allow you to test the operation of your site on both mobile and desktop devices.

Keep in mind that if Google gives your site a not so good grade, It does not mean that search engine positioning is necessarily bad, since the most important thing for that is that you pay attention to SEO strategies. Anyway, the tool shows you how to solve each problem by clicking “Show me how to fix it”. You will be able to correct some things, like image optimization, easily: just use a tool like , which allows you to reduce the size of image files without losing quality. Don’t worry about the technical aspects: at Tiendanube we are constantly working to improve the performance of all our online stores.

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user experience

Another great feature of PageSpeed ​​Insights is letting you find out how good it is for mobile devices. This evaluation can be seen in the “Mobile” tab and indicates whether the experience of the visitor who reaches your page is good or bad.

Again, the note goes from 0 to 100 and it is recommended that yours be indicated in green. As with the speed functionality, the tool will show you what can be corrected within the store and what is good. All our templates are prepared for you to receive visitors from cell phones or tablets, so you will always get a good grade in the “User Experience” section. Look:

All ready?

Remember that load time is crucial for SEO and that can affect the positioning of your page in search engines like Google. Therefore, use PageSpeed ​​Insights and correct everything that the tool advises you. By following these recommendations, you will undoubtedly be able to improve the SEO of your online store and outperform your competitors.

If you are just starting out in the world of electronic commerce, take advantage and . It’s simple, fast, and its templates are 100% SEO optimized.

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