What is Link Baiting? Proven Strategies in 2018 –

In digital marketing, as a reflection of the world we live in today, all English terms are better accepted, so today at we are going to deal with another of these that you may have heard but may not know its meaning or what it is. that it entails You want to know what is link baiting?

What is link baiting

At the risk of making it seem that little by little this blog is becoming a dictionary of SEO terms, to deal with a concept and talk about the techniques that we can use, we must first explain it.

Link baiting are all those SEO techniques focused on content marketing whose main objective is to get links that point to our website.

When defining what link baiting is, we may quickly associate it with link building, but no, in this case we are not going to mix more concepts in English. The difference between link building and link baiting lies in the fact that while in the former you have to follow a strategy to achieve links for which work must be done after creating the content of your website; the second uses different strategies to get links so that, once the content is published, no more effort is needed to get different backlinks that point to that page in question. Do you want to know how this is possible? Pay attention to our link baiting techniques with which the light bulb of ideas will light up!

The best link baiting techniques

The maxim of link baiting is generate such attractive content that even our competition wants to link to itfor this we can use our knowledge on the web, as long as we are the ones who know the most about a subject in question and the ones who can give it the most future perspective, but since this is very difficult, we recommend you to use creativity and develop the following link baiting techniques that are working in 2018:

  • Be original with the title

We know that the title of a website is the most important regarding positioning. Entering the keyword is essential, but how about you give this a spin? If your goal is to get links that point to your page, it may be that with an attractive title you will achieve this task. This technique works especially well on social networks like Twitter, where with a suitable title you can get hundreds of retweets and comments, many of them from people who have not even read your post, but the title will induce them to want to share it, so you will reach more people who may actually access the content. Also, if you do well with your article, you may climb positions in Google and you can test and establish which title gives you a higher CTR.

  • Your posts are FREE

Have you put a lot of effort into a mega guide on a concept or one that compiles all the information on a topic? Try using the word free As additional content to your titles or publications, you will see how many curious people want to discover the source of free wisdom that you are and, since they will see that you have not lied, they will share your content. You can also choose for your readers to access the content by leaving their e-mail, in this way you will get contacts to whom you can send new guides and articles that you make to further promote your link baiting strategy.

  • Infographics, your great allies

Infographics are one of the most effective pieces of content in an online marketing strategy: they provide well-structured content of value and their aesthetics make them easily shareable. When creating an infographic, in addition to the layout and style, you must take into account the topic, if you find one that is current, that generates controversy or that there is not much information about yet, you can make it viral. If you include an infographic in a post, add an html code that makes it easy to embed it on the website of whoever wants to share it and choose this photo as featured when you share it on your networks.

  • Who are your references?

In the world of digital marketing there are many references or gurus who will surely help you learn and discover new techniques that are emerging. Whatever your niche, you can find references, contact them and try to get an interview. Interviewing an expert in your sector always arouses interest among readers, who can link or share your content and you will almost certainly get the bonus: the interviewee will also link to your website. If you can’t do an interview, try making a post as a list in which you collect the greatest experts on a subject. What would you do if someone mentions you on their website as one of the best in your niche? You would share the post on your social networks and possibly also link it on your blog, we all like rallying, we must admit it. Tachanyou already have quality backlinks.

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Being the first to echo a piece of news is also a link baiting technique that can work, we prove it with our article on the change of . News and unexpected news always arouse interest. Normally these updates are published first by English-speaking blogs, so take advantage of these so you don’t miss anything and provide your readers with truthful and current content.

Does link baiting work?

Like any SEO strategy, link baiting works if two variables are taken into account: the time we dedicate to it and our analytical capacity as experts in the sector. Many link baiting strategies require a greater effort at the beginning because it is necessary, in the first instance, to think about what our audience may be interested in and how we are going to approach it to generate content that is widely shared, and then the creation of the content itself. quality.

If you are starting a project and you can’t afford to buy quality links and you also don’t have anyone willing to link to you, link baiting is a good strategy to gain notoriety, authority and contacts.

This is all from our side. As a last piece of advice, we recommend that you share this post on your social networks and link it on your blog, just to check that you have understood how link baiting works 😉

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