What is YMYL and what is the importance of EAT in SEO? –

If you are immersed in the world of SEOIt is very likely that you have already heard of the acronym EAT and the YMYL websites. However, just in case there is still someone clueless, today in our blog we are going to break down both acronyms, to tell you what each of them refers to. Go for it!

What are YMYL sites?

Abbreviations YMYLrefer to “Your Money, Your Life” («Your money, your life»), a term coined by Google to refer to those web pages, which, due to their theme, product or service, could affect the security, finances, health or happiness of the users themselves, in the event that their content is fraudulent or unsubscribed. quality.

Within this qualification, we can find some of the following types of web pages that are considered YMYL:

  • Websites that offer information about financial transactions.
  • Websites that allow you to make purchases or deposit bank data.
  • Web pages that contain medical information, related to health, medicines or diseases.
  • Websites that offer legal information.
  • News or pages with information of special relevance to citizens.

In this way, Google will pay more attention to ensuring that all content that is published on this type of web page is backed by experts, applying much higher page quality standards. As a final objective, it will be the protection of the user against poor quality content that does not have the necessary levels of EAT.

What does EAT mean in SEO?

Abbreviations EAT in English they refer toExpertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness”, which could be translated into Experience, Authority and Confidence. It is one of the standards from which Google qualifies web pages, differentiating those that have a high level of EAT, such as websites with quality content, from those with a low EAT, such as pages with low quality content. .

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In this way, for the pages considered to be of the YMYL type, the EAT is especially relevant, since Google will assess more exhaustively if these contents meet the necessary standards of Experience, Authority and Trust, so that they do not affect security. of the users:

  • Experience: It refers to the quality of our articles, so that our editors have the necessary experience and knowledge to speak truthfully and usefully for the user. This is measurable from the signature of articles with profiles of the editors or a section about us, indicating the sources of information or from more complete and well-founded articles at all times.
  • Authority: The authority of a website evaluates the relevance that content has had over time. Google requires that your articles be considered useful for your users, based on reviews, comments, shares, breadth of content, backlinks, etc. All this will show that your content has a certain authority within the sector, since you have some experience to talk about it.
  • Confidence: We demonstrate to Google that our website offers trust through techniques that allow our content to be accessible and secure: that our website contains https, that navigation through it is easy and intuitive, that it is responsive, adequate response time, etc. All this will show that our website offers the necessary trust for our users, and therefore for Google.

Google will therefore understand that if a website has Experience, Authority and Trust, meets the necessary requirements to respond to a user’s query, on issues that could affect their safety, finances, health or happiness.

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How can I improve my EAT score if my website is YMYL?

We have seen some of the points that directly affect the level of EAT that Google attributes to a web page. If your site has to do with any of the sensitive topics mentioned above, that is, it is considered YMYL, there are some actions that should be carried out to ensure that your content is of quality:

Demonstrate your knowledge and experience

The authorship of your website, it should be displayed clearly on your page. This will be key for Google and users to consider that the person behind that article has the necessary knowledge to talk about it.

  • Try to include links to the profiles of the writers of your content at the end of their articles.
  • A section about your company or organization, membership number if applicable, and clearly indicate the objectives you intend to achieve.
  • In addition, in the case of scientific articles, we recommend that you include in your content reliable and truthful sources from which you have obtained said information.
  • The date of publication of your article or update will also be a fact to take into account to check its veracity.

Get your website to have a high level of authority

For Google it is important to know what kinds of websites link to your content, where you are named or what sources support what you say. This will clearly be viewed favorably, as your website has a certain authority within the sector.

Your content will be recognized by the community as written by experts on the subject and Google will apply a higher rating based on how the online community reacts to it: times shared on social networks, comments, links from other websites to your content, etc. .

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Make your users trust your content

Your website must be able to convey confidence to the user. How? So that when browsing it, the user experience is satisfactory.

  • Your website must have an SSL Certificate, to ensure a correct reputation.
  • Include a reviews section where users can rate your product or service, since this will generate greater confidence in your brand.
  • Seals of guarantee or certifications that have to do with the type of activity you carry out.
  • Refund and warranty policies, easy to find on your website.
  • Clear and visible contact section throughout the website.
  • Responsive design that is adapted to all devices.
  • Your website must respond in a timely manner.

Now that you know the main points that Google takes into account when attributing an EAT score to a website, we recommend that if your page is included in the sector considered YMYL, you start applying all of them now.

In , we work for . If your project falls within this category, we help you turn it into a website that shows trust, authority and experience. Contact us and we will tell you how to carry it out.

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