How to improve your website’s SEO with Broken Link Checker –

Websites pursue the fundamental goal of providing a good experience to their users and putting the information they want to communicate at their fingertips. When this does not happen, a sense of discomfort is generated that, if it continues, can greatly affect the public’s interest in that portal.

One of the most frequent cases is the so-called . That in essence are links that can no longer be accessed due to incompatibilities in the address or because for some reason they no longer exist.

It is for this reason that as a manager of a web page you should ask yourself about the existing mechanisms to prevent this from happening, as is the case with Broken Link Checker plugin.

Now you must be wondering. What is Broken Link Checker? We answer you: It is a plugin designed for WordPress that fulfills the function of automatically scanning your web page to detect those links that do not lead anywhere.

Importance of having an SEO plugin

As we have mentioned in other posts, SEO plugins are essential for the success of your website. These optimize those conditions that improve your visibility in the world of the Internet.

Keep in mind that the competition in the networks is abysmal. Reason why, despite the fact that the premise of your website is innovative, you should put on your boxing gloves to fight for the attention of your potential users.

The boxing gloves to which we refer are precisely the . In that order of ideas, you should highlight one of the most popular: Broken Link Checker Below we explain its benefits and importance. Please read carefully!

Broken links and how they hurt SEO

Remember that the success of your web page will be conditioned by the number of people who enter it frequently. You must attract considerable traffic. However the presence of these annoying broken links will affect your reputation.

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And we are not only talking about the opinions of users (which are very important) but also the performance of your website, which will lower your position in Google. That way you will be less visible.

On the other hand, at the operational level broken links will increase the time it takes for search engines to crawl your website and generate HTTP 404 errors.

In short, broken links affect your position in search engines, so you can say that Broken Link Checker is another tool that you should take into account as part of your SEO strategy..

How often should I check the links?

Default Broken Link Checker checks the integrity of your links every 72 hours. However you can manage such a frequency. It all depends on the traffic of your website: If you have a considerable demand you can reduce this range to 12 hour intervals.

In the same way, it will be convenient to maintain low analysis frequencies if your website has elements that are prone to failure. Some examples are the number of main pages, user comment fields, embedded images or interactive buttons.

How does Broken Link Checker work?

As we have explained the function of Broken Link Checker is to run a tour of your web page to detect and alert you to the presence of dysfunctional links.

It should be noted that this plugin analyzes both internal and external links. That is, those that lead to other web addresses, YouTube videos, or any other resource. Any item that leads to another page will be thoroughly reviewed with no exceptions!

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You can tell the Broken Link Checker if you want me to check all the links or under some criteria. The recommended configuration is to put emphasis on HTML links and HTML images, but there are many options: plain text URLs, embedded YouTube videos, links with a specific word and a long etcetera…

Also you can tell the Broker Link Checker plugin if you want to receive an alert directly to your email every time it detects a broken link so you can take action by either editing the elements to fix the error or removing those problematic links.

In this way, by improving the usability of your website you keep regular users and Google satisfied. Quite a relief!

How to configure Broken Link Checker easily

The installation process for Broken Link Checker It is very simple. The same procedure is followed as for any other plugin designed for WordPRess:

  1. The first thing you should know is that you can find it for free in the official WordPress repository.
  2. You must access from your desktop or laptop computer to download it.
  3. Once you have it on your computer, you must upload it to your website using the administrator panel or using an FTP (file transfer protocol between computers and servers).

That is the traditional procedure. however also You can visit the plugins section from your website and locate “Broken Link Checker” in the search engine. to then proceed to do the installation with its corresponding activation.

After you do that brief process you will be able to locate the Broken Link Checker accessing the Plugins section. Another way to find it is through a widget also called Broken Link Checker on the WordPress Dashboard (home page). Ready to check those broken links!

Once you start implementing the Broken Link Checker plugin you will begin to detect improvements at the level of positioning in search engines. However, as we mentioned before, you must complement your methodology with other SEO strategies.

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For this reason, we invite you to visit other entries on our website so that you know other key aspects that you must take into account to achieve the long-awaited visibility in search engines.

Also remember to support us with your comments. and tell us if this information was useful to you or what other SEO plugin you usually use. We read you carefully!

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