Complete Guide to Google Analytics for WordPress |

You were waiting for it and it has arrived. The Complete Guide to Google Analytics for WordPress with the seal is here. This tool is one of the most important, but if you are a beginner or new to digital marketing, you may not understand or know where to start.

In order for a web page to have better performance, the use of a . And that is why we have created an article to help you learn a little more about one of the most important tools: Google Analytics for WordPress.

Today it is necessary to have a WordPress website that has excellent performance and takes advantage of the advantages offered by Google Analytics. Therefore, this article will help you understand the functions of this magnificent tool and the benefits it brings, to achieve an optimized WordPress website.

You will learn how to install Google Analytics in WordPress, in addition to the most appropriate ways to use this tool and make the most of it. That way, you can easily control the popularity and data of your website.

What is Google Analytics?

The first thing you should know is every detail about Google Analytics. In the first place, because it is a web tool that allows you to have a follow-up. Said monitoring focuses on the traffic that a web page receives to determine a pattern and take advantage of the data obtained.

In addition, thanks to each of the features of Google Aynalytics in WordPress, it is possible to have greater control over the data that a web page has. Remember that this data plays an essential role in establishing different digital marketing strategies. So being able to track them is more than necessary.

Why do you need Google Analytics for WordPress?

Now that you know what Google Analytics is all about, you’ll want to understand why you should learn to use this important tool. Clearly, using Google Analytics for WordPress will help you to know certain details such as:

  • Amount of traffic your website receives.
  • Relevant information about your users, including their location, the browser that directs them to your website or the type of device they use to access said page. In the same way you can know the duration of the users and segment your audience as part of a strategy.
  • Content of greater and lesser relevance within the web. This way you can define the content that best attracts users to continue using it. In addition to basing yourself on it for the creation of new content.
  • Marketing strategies with greater efficiency and guarantee of better results. With a better segmentation you will be able to establish marketing campaigns with better results.
  • Pages and browsers that generate traffic to your website.

In addition, it turns out to be a tool of excellent quality that you can integrate with other Google tools of great importance for your website. So it would be essential that you learn to use it and enjoy each of its advantages.

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How to register in Google Analytics?

The first thing to do in order to enjoy the benefits offered by Google Analytics for WordPress is the registration process. Nevertheless, It is not an issue that you need to worry about because it only requires the use of a Google account. So you need to follow some steps like:

  • Create an account in Google Analytics for WordPress

If you have not previously created a Google account, you can complete the process through the Google account login website. Once you have completed all the data, you can continue with the process.

And remember that it is best to use an account to which only you have access, for greater security. Although you can share it, it will be better if you can have more control over said account from the first moment you use it.

  • Enrollment in Google Analytics

When you finish creating your new account or sign in with an old account solely for this activity, you can proceed with the registration. You simply need to enter the Google Analytics website and select the option to create an account. This will take you to a page where you can register by completing all the information.

You must select the web page option and you will be able to know the terminology that Google uses, and all its tools. The most common are Property and View, being the name given to a web page and the data obtained, respectively.

You can organize each of your properties the way you see fit and change the name of each of them. Nevertheless, You will not have the option of being able to move a web page from one account to another without losing the data obtained.

With this in mind, you must obtain the tracking ID and follow each of the instructions that will be offered to use Google Analytics on your page. At the end, you will have access to the Administrator tab where you can make all the necessary settings.

How to install Google Analytics in WordPress?

Now that you know the process to be able to register in Google Analytics for WordPress, it is necessary to continue with the next step. And this is made up with the detailed information on how to install Google Analytics for WordPress to reap its benefits. Currently there are two methods to do it, with a plugin or manually.

Add plugin to WordPress

In case you want to save a lot of time, you can easily do this integration using a third-party plugin. There are a plethora of options available that can cover all your marketing needs.

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One of the most common options is MonsterInsights, whose free version is more than efficient. And to add it you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, select the plugins section and choose the option to add a new one.
  2. Search for the plugin of your choice through the bar, download it and proceed to activate it.
  3. Return to the WordPress dashboard. If you have chosen , the Insights option will appear.
  4. Follow each of the instructions to be able to connect the chosen plugin with the Google Analytics account.
  5. At the end you can choose the Insights option, so that the reports section allows you to know a little more about the performance of your website.

How to install Google Analytics for WordPress

If, on the other hand, you prefer to do it manually, you will only need to use the tracking code that you obtained when registering your Google Analytics account. Nevertheless, If you have not saved it, you can still acquire it through a fairly simple process that we will explain below.

How to get Google Analytics tracking code?

If you have already completed your registration process and do not remember the tracking code that will allow you to integrate Google Analytics for WordPress, you just have to:

  • Enter your Google Analytics account, select the Admin section that is located in the lower left part of the screen.
  • Select the tracking information menu. And then you can choose the tracking code option. Within this option you can find the tracking ID and a global web tag, which must be saved for later.
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and continue with the rest of the steps to integrate Google Analytics and WordPress.

code functions.php

As we have mentioned before, it is possible to integrate Google Analytics for WordPress with the help of two locations. This method allows you to install Google Analytics for WordPress without a plugin, so it can be easier if you have the knowledge.

One of the places to do this is in the file known as functions.php, where you can add a function that uses a snippet of the tracking code. But first remember to create a backup before making any changes. Then you can continue by performing the following steps:

  • Enter the Theme Editor section within the appearance menu, located in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Open the file known as Theme Functions.
  • Add the respective code snippet using the tracking ID obtained in the registry.
  • Select the update file option so that all changes can be saved correctly.

The second location where Google Analytics tracking code can be added is in the header.php file. For this you only need to perform the following steps:

  • Select the Theme Editor section.
  • Choose the Theme Header file, right in the right column.
  • Paste the code snippet above the tag.
  • Select the option of Update file, so that the changes can be saved respectively.
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In this way, you will have managed to insert the Google Analytics code for WordPress using files and locations on your website.

You can also use Google Tag Manager

Beyond all the options that we have mentioned before, there is one last possibility and the method that includes Google Tag Manager. This method is easy for you to integrate Google Analytics for WordPress, In addition to offering other benefits for your website.

Thanks to its characteristics, it is possible to update the tags that allow the monitoring of different relevant data on the web, such as conversions. You can add or change the tags any way you want, simply using the interface offered by Tag Manager.

You just need to make use of the tracking code and download the WordPress Tag Manager plugin as follows:

  • Select the plugins section, choose the option to add a new one, enter “Google Tag Manager” in the search bar and select activate when it appears.
  • Paste the Google Tag ID code into the plugin by going to the Admin section of the Google Tag Manager page. There you will find a code that you will have to copy.

Once you have obtained the code, you will have to enter the settings section in WordPress, choose the Google Tag Manager option. And then you will have to paste it in the Tag Manager ID section.

How to use Google Analytics in WordPress?

We know that Google Analytics is considered to be one of the highest quality tools for web analytics today. And that is why we will explain how to use Google Analytics in WordPress so that all your marketing strategies are based on efficient data about your website. And in that way, you will be able to increase the optimization of your page effectively.

Let’s remember that the main role of Google Analytics in WordPress is to provide relevant data about the traffic of a page. This allows knowing their behavior and the ways in which a strategy can be adapted to offer the best user experience.

Now that you know how to integrate the Google Analytics tool in WordPress, you need to learn how to use it. And for that, you will have to navigate through the sections that its entire panel offers you.


The first thing you will see in your dashboard…

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