The Instagram algorithm: How does it work? –

Do you have a business account on Instagram and have you noticed that your posts on this social network do not reach all your followers? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one this happens to. This is due to an algorithm created by Instagram that, as happened with the has evolved to find out what content is most interesting to a user and display it at the top of their feed.

What is the Instagram algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm is known as IGRank either EdgeRank and it is a code created by Instagram itself based on mathematical rules that is used to detect if your post is interesting enough to show it to your followers and appear among the first on their news feed.

How does the Instagram algorithm work?

Based on research into how Instagram chooses what to display in the News Feed, the EdgeRank algorithm takes into account:

– Interactions. If users engage with your posts after publishing the post, Instagram will consider it relevant and quality content and it will be shown to more followers.

– Quality of interactions. While any engagement you get on your posts is rewarded, some posts have more value to Instagram than others. Quality comments, that is, not only those that have emojis or a word, are more relevant than, for example, a like.

– Personal tastes of the followers and connection time. The contents that are shown first are those with which the user most often interacts or the new contents of profiles that he has just followed, but if he remains connected, he will see more and more posts from other accounts. For this reason, if your followers are connected to this social network for a long time, even if they do not always interact with your content, there is a greater chance that your publication will be shown to them.

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– Number of followers. Currently this social network shows your new posts to a low percentage of followers, although this value depends on your Engagement, the more followers, the more reach you will have.

– Quick response. By posting and responding quickly to comments your followers leave on your post, you’ll get more reach.

What to do so that my Instagram posts reach more people?

After discovering the reasons why your publications reach more or fewer people, we are going to give you some tips that you can do to achieve better results with your publications:

– Time of publication. Review your analytics and post at times when the maximum number of followers is connected to the social network. You can also try posting at different times than other Pages, so there isn’t as much competition for posts.

try posting posts that are interesting to themso they will want to comment and interact with the content.

Interact with your followers. Answer whenever you can by encouraging conversation or debate, since this way you will gain more comments and that user will see your publication again to reply to you.

– Calls to action to encourage interaction. Use calls to action to get followers who are interested in the content you just posted to engage with your content. A good example is asking questions and generating conversation, showing Instagram that you listen to them.

– Post regularly. You don’t have to post every day, but you do have to have a frequency and try to stick to it.

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– Post your own images. The photos that have to do with facilities, news and with the team of your company attract more attention and usually get more interactions.

– Use the right hashtags. With them you can reach more audience and, if you share relevant content that has to do with those keywords, you can get interactions from people who do not follow you.

– Use the stories. Do you need a post to have more reach or interactions? One trick is to share it in your stories, hiding part of the image so that your followers are curious and click to read it completely.

– Try to retain your followers in the publication. As we have told you before, the Instagram algorithm rewards content that has the ability to retain the user for a time in its publication. To achieve this, you can write a good description in your publications, which will catch your audience and read it until the end.

In conclusion, if you offer quality content to your followers, it is much more likely that most of them will receive it. The key is to test and test and test to find the posts that work best for you and your audience and keep updating this social network.

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