What is Twitter Ads or Twitter advertising? Ad Types –

Twitter is recognized as one of the most widely used social networks today, managing to attract millions of users daily. This makes it a source of potential customers for all types of businesses and that is why we will explain how to use Twitter Ads.

Clearly, there are millions of users interacting all the time so it is not highly recommended Given that among so many tweets, getting users to focus on promotional content can be difficult.

Nevertheless, a much more efficient alternative is offered that allows you to reach a greater number of users in a precise way. Getting them to become potential customers or translate into profits for your business, thanks to the use of Twitter advertising.

This way you can address your target audience in a simpler way. Whereas, by promoting a tweet you can reach potential customers and offer them your services or products for their consumption.

It’s also important to note that Twitter Ads have become much easier to use over time. Nowadays even a novice can make use of Twitter advertising with the help of the formats available for this very function.

How does Twitter advertising work?

If you are thinking of using this tool, you are surely wondering how to campaign on Twitter about products or services. And the answer is quite simple, so we’ve put together the necessary information so you can get started without too much hassle.

By leveraging social networks as a means to achieve a greater amount of popularity among users, Twitter Ads offers great benefits. Its function is basically to help your advertising reach users who require your services or products.

This translates into profits, because it helps many of these target customers that your company or business have, make purchases. Clearly, By using this tool as a method to boost the popularity of your business, you can get more customers.

Advantages of Twitter ads

Thanks to Twitter Ads you can use different promoted tweets that help you obtain a series of benefits. And that is why we bring you the advantages of Twitter Ads for your business:

  • Expand the reach of your promoted content, be it products or services.
  • You can present different new products or publicize the advantages of your current products.
  • Associate your brand with events around you to improve popularity.
  • Increase dialogue with potential customers.
  • Connect with influential people in the network, so that they promote your products.
  • Use retweets as a means to increase the reach obtained.
  • You only pay for the interactions users have with your products. If they view it, but do not interact, it is completely free.

Twitter Ad Formats

One of the great advantages offered by this wonderful tool is the Twitter Ads formats that help to promote the tweet easier. Its function is focused on facilitating the means to carry out a promotion adapted to the need and it is considered that they are beneficial.

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In fact, it has been established that making use of one or more formats allows the ad to have up to 20% greater recognition. And you can turn leads into profits up to 7% easier.

You can promote your content in a simple way and have the format that best suits your needs. To do this, we explain the function of each of the options available to promote tweets.

Promoted Tweets

If you want a larger number of people to access your tweet, then this is the most suitable option. Promoted Tweets work like any other tweet on the social network, but they have a greater reach and still have the same design. Nevertheless, you pay to say “promoted” and to achieve a greater reach of users.

Users can interact with this type of tweet like any other and can find it in their feed. In addition, they appear in profiles, in search results and in any of the versions of Twitter for phones or computers.

You can use these ads with various multimedia formats such as:

  • Image: Ideal to promote a photo with the description of your product or service.
  • Video: Eligible to display promotional content. It also allows you to redirect users to a website, app or generate interaction.
  • Carousel: Here you can choose between six images or videos placed horizontally with products, services or offers.
  • moments: Perfect for using multiple tweets as a collection to display some promotional content.
  • Text: Created to reach your target audience through text and to work just like any other tweet, but with greater reach.

Ads for followers

Increasing the number of views your products or services have can be achieved through this format. These ads help promote different content to an audience that has been segmented, to attract a greater number of followers.

This not only provides visibility, but also generates greater recognition for the brand that uses it. Since it is basically used so that brands can increase their popularity by making themselves known within Twitter.

Twitter Amplify

If you want your ads to appear with the Premium content offered by the most relevant figures on the social network, this is the right format. Two types of this format can be chosen:

  • Preroll: Designed for you to choose the categories of the videos where the ad will appear. You can choose from more than fifteen variations according to the needs of your brand.
  • Sponsorships: That offers the opportunity to connect with a specific audience, for a certain time. This function is not available in case of using self service to advertise.
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Promoted Trends

Surely you have found on Twitter a list of the most important trends at the moment, depending on your location. This list of trends is due to the number of tweets that have been made based on a topic in general, causing a trend in the application. Nevertheless, such trends can also be promoted.

Each trend is based on a hashtag, which makes it possible to identify users who talk about the topic on Twitter. And so you can determine what are the trending topics according to the location established by the user.

But if you want to create a trend, this option makes it easier to manage your tweet related to the trending topic. If you manage to capture attention, you will be able to generate popularity organically at the same time and it will represent an increase in reach.

So, if you are thinking of getting a promoted trend you need to work with a sales representative of this app. So you can buy those trends by contacting @TwitterAdsHelp for more information.

Twitter Live

With this tool it is possible to advertise live to attract an audience in real time. It works perfectly to publicize a product or to explain more about the benefits that one of them offers. This is a help for those brands that want to interact more closely with users.

Thanks to Twitter Live, live messages can be transmitted in a better way and help create an interaction between the brand and the client.

Twitter Ads Features

In addition to all the advantages that Twitter can offer, you also have to add the extra ad features. These functions can be applied to the aforementioned formats and are:

  • Surveys: They help users to interact with said content.
  • Talk Buttons: They allow users to talk about the content of the brand and all through conversation buttons. In addition, the calls to action and their hashtags can be customized.
  • Web Page Buttons: These help direct users to a specific web link.
  • App Buttons: They help them to download an application through the Play Store or the App Store. Although if said application has already been downloaded, it allows the user to open it.
  • Branded Hashtags: Ideal for an advertiser to display their brand in a personalized and attractive way.
  • Branded Notifications: The option allows users to request relevant content from a brand.

How to make a campaign in Twitter Ads?

Now that we know what are the advantages that Twitter Ads offers you To promote your content, you need to know how to use it. With this step by step, we will be able to carry out a campaign on Twitter successfully and enjoy each of the benefits it brings. Follow each step to the letter. And ready!

  • Create or open your Twitter Ads account

It should be noted that, to start promoting ads on Twitter, you need to have an ads account. To do this, you only need:

  • Access your Twitter account or create one.
  • Go to ads.twitter.com.
  • Choose your country, in addition to the corresponding time zone.
  • Select “next”. Your account is now ready to use.
  • Choose your Twitter Ads objective

As in any business, Twitter campaigns must be targeted to a specific target audience so that they can translate into potential profits. If you direct your content to an audience that is not interested in those products or services, you would be wasting time and money. To do this, you can choose between the following options:

  • Reconnaissance, an option to get as much range as possible. For every 1000 impressions you will have to pay.
  • Interactions, created to generate interactions with the promoted tweet. The charge will be for each first interaction made by each user.
  • Followers, the solution to improve the number of receiving users within your profile. Payment is made for each follower you gain and is not charged for interactions.
  • Clicks or conversions within a web, used to improve the traffic of your web page. In this case, the payment is for each click that is obtained for your web page.
  • app downloads, for those who want to get a greater number of downloads of their app and pay for each one of them.
  • Interactions with your app. This option is eligible for those who want to have more user interactions with their app, such as opening and using it. For each click you must pay.
  • Viewing promoted videos, so that a greater number of people view the promotional multimedia content. You pay for each view.
  • In-stream video viewing, created to share an ad in the videos of relevant figures on Twitter. Each video will be charged.
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And remember that it is important to know what the best option is, because these objectives define their cost according to their function. Once chosen, you will be able to configure each characteristic of your campaign, as well as the payment method and the start time.

  • Set up your ad group

The best thing about starting a campaign on Twitter is that you have to set up a group of…

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