6 Copywriting Techniques to improve the SEO of your website –

The key to good SEO content? The one that offers the best response to the user. Google aims to respond in the most precise way to the questions that millions of users ask themselves every day and for that reason they will reward the content that best satisfies the user’s search intention.

However, you should keep in mind that sometimes optimizing all SEO elements is not enough. It is also necessary to write content that hooks and likes the user. For this reason, the way in which we write our content will take on special importance.

Today we want to talk to you about how to implement SEO copywriting techniques on your website. List them all and discover how to write your content optimized for SEO!

What is SEO copywriting?

The writing of texts focused on SEO or SEO copywriting refers to writing web content using optimization techniques for search engines, aiming at the positioning of certain key terms. This content must add value to the user, responding to said search intention. Your content will be the solution to the needs of users.

To do this, we need to be clear that these contents will have a communicative purpose, since it is about transmitting valuable information to the user. We must define the objective that we want to achieve with said content. In addition, it is convenient that you have previously determined who are we writing forsince the text will be centered on a persuasive and approachable style, further drawing the user’s attention.

The best copywriting techniques for SEO

Once we are clear about the style that we seek to provide through content written with a web positioning approach, there are some tricks that we can take into account. There are no magic formulas, since there is nothing better than writing content that your users really like.

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Research of key terms

It is important that before starting to write your content you have made a prior research of key terms. There are multiple tools that can help you in this task, among them we highlight or , all of them will help you when it comes to knowing how users perform their searches on Google.

This is of special interest since they will allow you not only to make a list of key terms to use, but also to specify to a greater extent what the search intent of your users, what type of content they want to find, what exactly are the questions they ask about it, what other key terms are related, etc. As a whole, we will be expanding our semantic field, creating a text of greater value for the user. It is advisable not to fall into keyword stuffing, Therefore, this previous investigation will allow us to create contextualized content that really provides quality information to the user.

Structure your content correctly

Your content must follow a certain structure. Think of an introduction, where you put the user in context about the main topic of your content, develop your main ideas and close with a call to action. It is convenient that in the central part of your article, your ideas are correctly ordered.

This is also achieved through the headers, which must follow a specific layout: h1, h2, h3, h4, etc. Try to use naturally relevant key terms in said titles and subtitles, without over-optimizing it. You can also combine terms long tail, further specifying the search intent.

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Text and image optimization

It gives the necessary clues to the user so that he knows exactly where to find the answer they are looking for within your content, this will speed up the reading and will be an added value. Create your content using bold, tables of contents, lists, infographics, etc.

As for the images, you should also optimize them correctly. For this, there are several. However, you should include a alt attribute that is related to one of your key terms.

Regarding the extension, although it is true that longer content tends to position better, everything also depends on your own resources. We recommend that do not force the extension, but focus on offering quality content to your users.

Link building

As you write your article, keep in mind other posts that you have previously written that deal with related topics. This will allow you that if at any point in the content you refer to issues that are explained more extensively in other articles, the user himself can contact them if he wishes to obtain further information.

Title and Meta description optimization

Your title must be able to capture the user’s attention, since it will be the section that covers the most attention in the SERPs. Choose a title that has to do with the theme, but do it in a persuasive and creative way. In addition, it must be between 50 and 70 characters.

As for the Meta description, it is the text that will show up under your content title in search results. Once again, it will be about capturing the user’s attention. We recommend that you naturally include key terms, as well as icons that can improve your CTR. It is convenient that you do not exceed 156 characters.

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URL optimization

Your URL should be optimized by mentioning the specific topic your content is about. search eliminate those terms that do not add valuesuch as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, etc. As for the extension, there is no recommended maximum, although we can tell you to ensure that your content is found within the first three levelssince in this way it will be more accessible to users.

The time has come for you to put into practice all the copywriting techniques for SEO. The most important thing is that you keep in mind that your content must be able to respond to the interests of your users, so you should focus on them when creating content. SEO work will help you gain visibility in organic search, but think that you write for your users, not for robots.

If you are looking to get quality traffic to your website by creating specialized content that adds value to your users, in We work aimed at improving the SEO of your website. Get in touch with us and we will tell you how to improve the visibility of your website on the Internet thanks to the creation of valuable content!

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