Error 520: What is it and how to fix it? –

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A error 520 it means there is a connection issue between the origin server and Cloudflare.

What causes the page to not display, the reasons for such an error can be caused by a program, a cron job, or a resource that is taking up more than normal.

The result is that the server cannot handle all requests and crashes, in this case there are a number of steps you can take to resolve this issue.

Steps to follow to solve error 520

There are several possible methods that you can follow to solve the 520 error, remember that it is a server issue and with it you would solve the problem.

Disabling Cloudflare

The first factor would be deactivate to take action on the matter, if the problem persists then you could rule it out as the cause of the error.

To do so, you just have to enter the platform, go to the DNS section and check that the cloud that appears in proxy status is gray, this means that Cloudflare.

Pause Cloudflare

Let’s say you have no intention of disabling Cloudflare, well, try pausing the system to make sure he is not responsible.

All you have to do is enter the site from the list, and proceed with a scroll all the way down to the advanced options area, here you will see an option that says “Pause Cloudflare on site”click and confirm.

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Enter development mode

If you don’t want to disable or pause Cloudflare, it would be best to enter development mode to continue investigating the 520 error.

For that, click on the tab “Caching” and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see the option to activate the mode and continue working on the issue.

Check the server error logs

Once you have made some alternative of the previous ones, let’s move on to the error logs that we will see in the host.

We will have to enter WePanel, once inside you will see an option called “Errors”.

In this section you will have a record of recent errors.

If you notice, each error has a message and a structure that is based on date, time, LogLevel directive, client IP, and the path of the affected file.

Once we know the path of the affected file we can proceed to solve it.

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