Hamburger menu in WordPress: advantages and disadvantages

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do you know the hamburger menu? Have you ever used it?

We show you what it is and how to make a hamburger menu for your website.

In addition, we treat advantages and disadvantages of the hamburger menu for any page.

The name of hamburger menu refers to icon represented by three horizontal stripes that indicates the dropdown of a website.

It is called this way because it is similar to a hamburger, since it contains three horizontal elements: bread, meat and bread 🍔.

This type of dropdown menu is mainly used in mobile versions of the pages to save screen space, although they can also be applied in their desktop versions.

It is usually placed in the upper right corner of the web, supposedly because it is the area closest to the thumb when we handle the mobile.

However, there are also many cases where it appears in the upper left corner. All depends on usability and how designers create what will look better aesthetically and what will be more comfortable for users.

Create a hamburger menu It is not complicated, but it is not easy either if you do not have the necessary knowledge.

The first thing you should know is that, if you use for your website, probably the template you are using automatically includes the option to place a hamburger menu, at least in the responsive version. You will only have to review the options in menu settings.

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This is because the tendency to use the hamburger menu is increasing in mobile versions, although for web versions they have not yet been developed as much.

Even so, if your template does not include the hamburger menu and you want to apply it, there are several plugins created to fulfill this function.

Between the most popular plugins to make a hamburger menu are found , or .

On the other hand, if your website does not use WordPress or if you have knowledge of HTML and CSS code, you can create your own css hamburger menu. Thus, you can create it with the settings you prefer.

There are many tutorials and articles that explain How to do an css hamburger menuproviding you with the HTML and CSS code, so that you only have to copy it and place it on your website, and then adapt it with your knowledge to your liking.

Between the main advantages of using the hamburger menu on your website are:

  • Menu created specifically for adapt easily in the mobile or tablet versions.
  • Cleanliness and clarity of the page on the screen, leaving much more free space for content.
  • improvement of the when browsing the web, since the menu is drop-down and leaves room to “walk” through the page in a more pleasant way. In addition, from a single button they can access the full menu of the page, without having to search for various options having to make several clicks.

In contrast to the advantages, the hamburger menu has earned several critics based on its disadvantages:

  • The menu is hiddenmany people navigate solely based on what they see on the screen, and if they don’t see the menu options at first glance, they most likely won’t navigate through them.
  • Ignorance of the icon hamburger, since not everyone still knows the meaning of this icon and what it represents while browsing the web.
  • It goes against the rules of clicks, because to access the menu you have to make an extra click, that is, a extra effort to access content.
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