How to fix the err_name_not_resolved error

To solve the error 105 in Google Chrome you must carry out some checks, all of them aimed at solving the specific incident if you want to continue using Chrome to access the website that has caused the error, and which, by the way, has nothing to do with the website.

Check the URL in your Chrome browser and make sure you’re trying to access the correct web address. Sometimes, in the rush, we misspell the URL, the protocol https or part of the domain name and that can cause the destination site not to resolve due to incorrect link not found.

If you’ve confirmed that you’re accessing the correct web address, check if you can open the same web page in another browser (for example, Firefox, Opera, Brave, or Safari).

Try to perform searches on the Internet, from the Chrome browser, and verify if the results of those searches, when accessing, allow you to load content correctly.

If you cannot see the web page in any browser, it may be temporarily unavailable. You should also make sure that you are successfully connected to the internet.

To find out if it is available, you can do a “ping” to the url of the domain you are trying to visit and check if it responds to said command.

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