Allbirds Shoe Store: Opinions, Analysis and Ratings

The quality clothing It is a good option in the online channel to achieve differentiation. The ecological footwear It has become fashionable in recent years and it is not surprising that several companies are betting on the online channel. Allbirds is a company of American origin that offers a store of wool shoes sustainable and with social conscience. Do you want to know more about how the allbird shoe store online? Let’s take a look.

What is the concept of the Allbirds shoe store?

the breed of new zealand merino sheep produces a wool of great quality. This raw material is applied to clothing, but also to footwear. The project was born in 2014 and was inspired by the footballer; the engineer and expert in renewable energies Joey Zwillinger shaped it. The company markets sustainable and environmentally friendly sneakers. Today the company is valued at .

The concept of the store is interesting, although for now it has a limitation for the Spanish public: It does not have a Spanish version. Of course, you should keep in mind that there is a wide variety of products. There are sneakers for man and womanas well as sports, ski shoes, toppers Y loungers. It is also possible to find several accessories Fashion.

The product sheets of the allbirds shoe store include prices, colors and sizes. We consider that they could include a specific description for each product. Although it is true that general information is offered on the benefits of merino wool slippers, it could be more specific.

The company offers two contact methods for Spain, the telephone and the email. It should be noted that Allbirds has profiles in the main What Twitter, Facebook, Instagram Y pinterest.

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How to shop at Allbirds

The way to buy in allbirds shoe store it is on-line. Although it is American, it ships to the European Union. Possible payment methods are credit card Y PayPal. The sneakers they have some shipping costs of 5 euros on orders less than 50 euros and to plusit is gratuitous. The in Europe is between 2 and 7 business daysalthough there is an express option.


The allbirds shoe store It is a successful business, but it has to adapt its eCommerce to the idiosyncrasies of Spain. It has the online store in English, French and German but not in Spanish. Of course, the company tries to offer seriousness and has a very good quality product. If you know Englishwe encourage you to take a tour of eCommerce to buy wool slippers.

  • Price: 7 (the store has a price level in accordance with the quality of the product it sells).
  • Catalog diversity: 7 (the catalog has several references but only of its brand).
  • Confidence: 6 (the website has a contact telephone number for Spain and a telephone number, although it is in English).
  • Short delivery times: 8 (shipping prices are in a good range for an eCommerce).
  • Low shipping costs: 7 (the shipping cost amounts to 5 euros, which is normal for this type of business).

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