Almost 75% of Telefónica shareholders opt for the dividend in shares

74.46% of Telefónica shareholders have chosen to receive the 2021 flexible dividend in shares, the highest percentage among the dividends distributed during the pandemic, as notified by the firm to the (CNMV) on Thursday.

Due to this high acceptance, Telefónica will have to issue 135.46 million shares, which is equivalent to 2.4% of the current share capital. Compared to last December’s dividend, the percentage of shareholders who have opted for remuneration in shares has risen by more than nine percentage points. On the other hand, the operator has paid 213.1 million euros to 25.54% of the shareholders who have chosen to receive their remuneration in cash.

The company has approved an interim dividend for the 2022 financial year of 0.30 euros, which this time will be, again, completely in cash, after resorting to the flexible dividend or ‘scrip’ during the pandemic due to future uncertainties.

Telefónica expects that the shares of the new capital increase will be admitted to trading on the four Spanish Stock Exchanges and will be contracted through the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System on June 23 so that their ordinary trading begins on June 24. After the increase due to the dividend, Telefónica will have a capital made up of 5,775.2 million shares.

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