The Community of Madrid has achieved the best grade of the EBAU 2022

More than 200,000 Spanish students applied to the EBAU to obtain a place at the University. The greatest nervousness of young people these days is not only to pass the selectivity, but to achieve a good grade to pursue the studies they want in the institution they want, since many times the high cut-off marks in certain grades can truncate these plans.

The ordinary call of the EBAU was carried out in the majority of communities between June 6 and 10. All the students who applied on these dates can already know their grades and for all the young people who did not achieve their objective, the extraordinary call will be held on July 5, 6, 7 and 8 depending on the autonomous community where they apply. and the results will be known between July 13 and 18.

This year the EBAU has developed with a certain normality except for the controversial mathematics exam faced by the students of the Community of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha, a test that caused some discomfort among the young people. Many of the students upon leaving this exam expressed some discomfort, several of them were baffled and with tears in their eyes. This news landed on social networks, where some teachers solved the test and admitted that there were poorly formulated statements and could cause some confusion in students.

Approved by autonomous community

The Rioja. The success of the students in this community has been resounding, because 99.36% of the students from the baccalaureate have passed the ordinary exam. These figures may change slightly in the coming days, when the claim processes for students who have requested to review the grade of any of the subjects are closed.

Madrid’s community. In the ordinary call, 33,663 students took part, and 31,819 have passed, that is, 94.52% of the students. This figure is maintained from last year. The greatest success lies in the students of Sciences (96.94%), followed by Humanities (90.32%), Arts (91.80%) and Social Sciences (91.81%). The highest grade this year was obtained by the student Gabriel Plaza from the San Juan Bautista public institute, with a final grade of 13,964. He only failed his German test. Gabriel wants to study Classical Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid, but this has brought him various criticisms on social networks because for many he is not choosing a career with a “professional exit”.

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Castilla la Mancha. 95.04% of the 7,729 students who applied in Castilla-La Mancha have successfully passed the EBAU. However, this year they staged one of the controversies due to a series of errors detected in the Mathematics II exam, for this reason several students asked for flexibility when qualifying for the errors found in said exam.

Murcia. This year the Region of Murcia dropped two points in the percentage of passes compared to the previous year. 93.1% of the students have managed to pass the Selectividad, whereas last year it was 95.6%. The best mark was obtained by Paula Piñero, a student at the Santa Joaquina Vedruna School in Cartagena, and José María Moreno, from the Diego Tortosa de Cieza public institute. Both are tied for first with a 9.99 out of 10.

Aragon. Of the 5,988 students who applied, only 178 students have failed, that is, 97.03% have passed, this is the third highest percentage of those published so far. By provinces, in Huesca the proportion was 95.20%; in Teruel, 98.06% and in Zaragoza, 97.33%.

Navarre. This year, 3,300 students have applied for the Selectividad and 97.73% have managed to pass it. 97.48% of students taught in Basque have passed.

Galicia. In this region, 10,654 students have applied this year, of which 9,902 have passed, that is, 92.94%. Last year the percentage was 93.22%.

Basque Country. 97.62% of the 12,107 students who took the EBAU have passed the tests. A total of 11,819 students have passed, however this year the pass rate has dropped compared to the previous year, in which 98.35% passed the exams.

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Estremadura. 93.57% of students from Extremadura who have taken the university entrance exams have passed. However, the average grade this year in almost all subjects has fallen, being 6.92 points compared to 7.14 last year. The students who have obtained the highest grade, that is, a 14, belong to four public centers in the region: Eugenio Hermoso, from Fregenal de la Sierra; Norba Caesarina, from Cáceres; Augustóbriga, from Navalmoral de la Mata and Cristo del Rosario, from Zafra.

Balearics. The students from the Balearic Islands this year have been surprised by the number of passes, achieving 96.7%, a much higher proportion than last year, which was 92.5%. By islands, the percentage of passes was: 97.4% in Mallorca, 96.3% in Menorca, 91.9% in Ibiza and 93.8% in Formentera.

Castile and Leon. In this autonomous community, students have managed to be very successful in the exams with a 98.4% pass rate, a total of 10,055 young people have managed to be eligible this year in the ordinary call.

Canary Islands. 92.92% of students in the Canary Islands have passed the exam. The percentage has been higher in the province of Las Palmas with 93.63% of those approved compared to Tenerife with 92.14% By modalities, in Tenerife the highest figures are in Social Sciences (92.41%); it is followed by Sciences (92.32%); Arts (91.23%); and Humanities (91.03%). In Las Palmas, this classification is slightly different: Sciences (95.47%), Social Sciences (93.26%), Humanities (89.77%) and Arts (88.14%).

Valencian Community. 97.79% of young people from Valencia have passed the exams, a percentage similar to that of the previous year. By universities, at the Miguel Hernández University, 98.22% have passed; at the University of Valencia, 98.16%; at the UPV, 97.09%; in the Jaume I of Castellón, 98.42% and in the University of Alicante, 97.04%. The average grade obtained has been 6,634.

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Cantabria. 96.52% of the students in this region have passed. Of 2,644, 2,552 have been approved. Last year, the percentage in ordinary call was practically the same, just a few tenths below: 96.29%.

How to claim the selectivity notes

Those students who wish to request a review of their selectivity notes because they do not agree with them, can do so at the latest until today.

In the review, the exercises will be corrected by a different specialist teacher and the final grade will be the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained in the two corrections, but this can also cause the grade to go up or down.

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