AMP problem

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Hello Hugo.

AMP is a flat version, that is, it cannot be modified, it is not like the normal version of the template, this version omits all kinds of styles, sliders, etc… everything that supposes a load for the web and basically loads the cache What does Google have stored from your website?

I leave you documentation that we have on the blog:



All the best

Hello Pepe, thank you very much, I did what is here as mentioned, I had eliminated Yoast but I see that it is necessary and that is where my website is going through several problems, since I began to delete several plugins supposedly to have a better configuration but what I see is that I did several damages, at this point I went back and uploaded AMP and Yoast, but even so between now and I still get a lot of errors, and I think they are already very advanced things, I don’t know if there is a configuration to solve these problems.

At the moment I see that my AMP is already working, but when I analyze it in the validator it shows me a lot of errors.

Answered : 05/05/2021 6:56 pm

See also  critical web error
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