AppGyver Course #5. Create the task app interface – .com

In the fifth class of the course on creating smartphone apps with AppGyver we are going to start creating our application.

We will create a task application, where we can add tasks, consider them finished and delete them if necessary. Of course, we will do it without writing a single line of code, since the purpose of this course is for you to learn to create applications with this no-code platform.

We will begin to create the main screen and configure the different elements that will make it up. Keep in mind that creating the interface is not much different from developing the application natively. Elements are natively selected and dragged into the view, the same way we’ll do it in AppGyver’s Composer Pro. Go for it!

Fantastic, isn’t it? We have created two screens almost without breaking a sweat. We have used a button to change from one view to another, a list to show the different tasks that we are adding, an icon which we will later give some logic to delete tasks, we have used containers and many other things.

Notice also how easy it is to create new views, and just as easy is to make changes to the view with the navigation controllers that already have the aforementioned views integrated.

We have added text fields, here called “Input views” and we have also configured some of the elements that make up our interface from the inspector. Without a doubt, as you have seen, AppGyver is a fantastic tool for creating multiplatform applications without knowing how to program or write even a single line of code.

See also  Video course #6. Videoblog - .com

As a task or homework I advise you to create a button somewhere on the main screen, also create a new view with some help text or presentation of the App, finally, make pressing that button navigate to this new view. Logically, in the new view that we have created we must put a return button to return to the main view. We still have some work to do on our interface, such as modifying some elements or configuring the appearance of others. But all this will be in a future class.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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