Astra course – .com

Astra course in which we will see how to create a WordPress website from start to finish, easily and simply, based on clicks and the block editor, without any code.

And it is that if there are a couple of adjectives that define the Astra theme, they are its simplicity and flexibility to create a website quickly, thanks to its customizer options and the growing library of templates that we have at our disposal.

Pre-built templates with the block editor, customization without code, fast loading, even integration with the main WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce, LearnDash, Toolset or Yoast. Not in vain is it one of the most used themes in WordPress.

Throughout 10 classes we will see how to create upload templates, create and customize our blog, build the header and footer, work with different page structures, sidebar management, color modification, buttons and fonts, and much more.

A theme without any type of lock-in, so that if at any time we want to stop using it, we can change to another without any problem, since we will not lose any data, nor will our content fill up with shortcodes. Go for it!

And to round things off, this theme also meets AA levels of web accessibility, has hooks and filters for developers, follows good SEO and Schema practices, and on top of that… It’s free! What more could you want?

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

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