A few weeks ago we talked to you about Saldum Venturesthe parent company that owns Hawkers, Miss Hamptons, Northweek and Wolfnoir. As explained, Hawkers has opted to enter a hitherto unexplored sector: Bratleboro, the new watch brand from Hawkers Group.
But this is not the only change that the company has undergone, since the Saldum Ventures group has been renamed Hawkers Group, taking advantage of the pull of its main brand.
However, Hawkers was not the first company in the company to start its business venture with Miss Hamptons, specializing in espadrilles, but the phenomenon of Hawkers sunglasses gave popularity and encouraged to continue with the purchase of North Week and the release of Wolfnoir. Now they go on a new adventure with Bratleboro.
Bratleboro arrives to boost (even more) the growth of Hawkers
The business model of the new brand follows the line of its predecessors, with watches with simple lines, few references, low prices and good design. Bratleboro and has been operating for over a year. Each watch costs about thirty euroswith free shipping from purchases of 50 euros and 24-month warranty.
Those who invested 300 euros in Facebook Ads to sell their glasses through personalized advertising campaigns they continue to grow at an unstoppable rate and their value as a brand grew exponentially.
From the capital inflow, Hawkers Group has incorporated more than thirty peopleincluding product designers from Cartier, Google, Amazon or Facebook profiles and country manager for several of the markets in which it operates.
From online to offline: the commitment to a Concept Store
And within the new litmus tests of the company, Hawkers incorporated at the beginning of December to Carlos Corn, former executive of , ya Henry Rubio as responsible for retail and wholesale to prepare the jump to the physical channel and open a concept store at street level.
The 90% of Hawkers’ business is focused solely on the Internet, both on its own platform and through online multi-brand distributors. According to information fromSaldum Ventures closed 2014 with a turnover of 5.36 million euroscompared to the 1.56 million billed the previous year.
If you want know even more about the success story of this company, we invite you to read the , co-founder and CEO of Hawkers, who explains the keys to the past, present and future of a world reference brand.
Image: Bratleboro
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