Citroën develops glasses that protect us from an annoying companion on our trips: motion sickness

Motion sickness affects all kinds of people. An unpleasant experience that can spoil trips and vacations. Citroën has thought about this problem and offers an innovative solution: Seetroën glasses.

No one is free from getting dizzy on a trip. In fact, one in three people has suffered from this unpleasant problem at least once in their life and more than 30 million Europeans suffer from it chronically. Citroën has researched to solve the “transport malady” and has developed the revolutionary Seetroën glasses which, thanks to a revolutionary technology developed by the French start-up Boarding RingTM, offers an efficiency rate of 95%. These glasses should be put on as soon as the first symptoms begin to be noticed. Its effect is total in just 12 minutes. They can be used by adults and children from the age of 10 (when the inner ear reaches the peak of its development). As they do not have crystals, they can be shared with the whole family, travel companions, etc. They can also be worn on top of other glasses.

For the design, Citroën turned to 55 Studio, a collective design studio in Paris, which incorporated the Brand’s codes of freshness, ease and ergonomics. The result: glasses with a high-tech look, made of plastic that is soft to the touch.

Citroën’s anti-sickness glasses are on sale for 99 euros.

The Seetroën revolution is based on a blue liquid, which moves both in the rings around the eyes, in the frontal axis (right/left) and in the sagittal axis (front/back). In this way, the glasses recreate the horizon line to resolve the sensory conflict that causes dizziness, thus re-synchronizing the mind with the movement perceived by the inner ear, while the eyes remain fixed on a stationary object such as a Smartphone or a book.

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Seetroën glasses, available for 99 euros in the French brand.

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