Content marketing for education: why is it important?

The is nothing new for educational institutions, since materials such as theses, reviews, articles and monographs are developed and presented daily inside and outside the classroom.

However, in an environment as crowded as education, organizations cannot limit themselves to traditional marketing.

To stand out in the market, win the attention of students and promote the course or the institution, it is necessary to invest in relevant and efficient strategies – such as content marketing for education.

Do you want to know more about the subject? So, keep reading and find out about the importance of content marketing for education and its main opportunities.

Finally, what is content marketing?

It is based on the creation of relevant and attractive materials on the area of ​​activity of a business.

This strategy is an excellent opportunity to engage your target audience and expand your network of clients through the development of valuable and interesting content.

In the case of educational institutions, for example, it is possible to produce articles, podcasts, digital books and other material formats on careers, courses, the job market, among others.

In this way, you generate value and offer it to people to create a positive perception of the brand and, consequently, close more business.

By dealing with an issue with knowledge of the facts, your audience sees you as an authority in your field of action and begins to trust you more.

This is even more important when we want to sell something to a potential client. In the end, trust is essential at the time of the purchase decision, since customers who trust a company feel safer to make an investment.

Why invest in content marketing?

It is not news to anyone that the Internet has completely changed consumer behavior. This means that the presence in this medium of current and potential students of an educational institution is becoming stronger and more consistent.

A quick search is enough to confirm: they are online to get to know the schools, find out about them, interact with other students, identify the best option for your professional career and, of course, enroll in the selection processes and guarantee your place in an institution.

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When considering this whole scenario, it is important to keep in mind that, just like your target audience, you must also make a presence in the digital environment to strengthen your brand in the preference of students.

With educational content marketing, you can boost student engagement and attention by developing engaging materials for them.

Mainly for educational institutions that operate in the segment of online education, that is, this type of material is essential to answer the main doubts of users and mature their decisions throughout the entire student day – from the first contact with the educational center until the confirmation of your enrollment.

In this way, the institution is able to demonstrate its authority in the market, in addition to strengthening the relationship with the student and arousing both their confidence and their interest.

What is content marketing for education like?

As we have already mentioned, content marketing for education has the purpose of creating a positive perception of the institution and generating new business opportunities with the production of attractive and relevant materials for your audience.

Here are some fundamental techniques to achieve these goals:

set goals

First of all, it is necessary to determine a goal to guide the processes: increase traffic, optimize conversions, spread the course or educational institution more.

With clear and well-defined purposes, you will be able to trace the best paths to achieve them.

Define the KPIs

Another important stage of planning is the determination of the (Key Performance Indicators).

Also known as key success indicators, these metrics have a direct impact on the finances and the scope of the institution’s purposes.

This means that monitoring them during the execution of the strategies is decisive to check if you are having the desired return.

Among the main KPIs of the educational environment, are:

  • (Return on investment);
  • CAA (Cost of Student Acquisition);
  • CPL (Cost per Lead).

Plan content for the right person

As well as planning, knowing your audience is also an essential element in your content strategy. After all, to produce relevant and valuable materials, you need to know who you’re talking to.

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In the educational environment, for example, the public can vary between students, teachers and consumers of digital products.

By defining your , it will be possible to create more accurate content, use the appropriate language and select the most appropriate dissemination channels.

Produce rich content

Generating quality material for your audience does not necessarily mean highlighting the positive points of the institution.

To retain the attention of the students, how about offering them interesting topics?

In addition to investing in attractive content on online platforms, try to explore the most varied formats, such as blogs, email marketing, YouTube, ebooks, infographics and audio podcasts.

Create an editorial calendar

There is no use creating a lot of content, if people do not have access to what you have produced.

Therefore, in an educational content marketing strategy, you need to publish content regularly and consistently.

For this, a suggestion is to create a, which will help you from the definition of the guidelines of the materials, so that the issues are not repeated or delayed, to the scheduled dates for future publications.

How to apply content marketing in education?

Now that you’ve learned about the importance of content marketing for education, take a look at some strategies to put the idea into practice.

create a blog

It is the best way to spread your text production.

However, for the blog to be relevant and have loyal followers, it is important that you think carefully about the dissemination channels of your blog, as well as the categories and topics that the site will present.

In addition to having a language close to the reader, try to develop the content according to your area and the topics that are interesting for the audience you want to reach.

Keep updates frequently

Another essential resource is to maintain a regularity in the publications, after all, nothing worse than entering a site with old and outdated content, right?

Therefore, do not stop investing in new and continuous publications.

At first, the ideal is to have at least 2-3 articles per week. Afterwards, it analyzes the need for daily production according to the growth and frequency of accesses.

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Also, remember to always update older content. This shows that you care about the type of information your audience is receiving.

Share the posts

Content marketing for education is a medium to long-term strategy.

Since page relevancy depends on a combination of factors, patience and outreach are necessary for best results.

To help you with that, an efficient alternative is to use other digital media to share posts, such as social networks, mass mailing tools, email marketing, among others.

write ebooks

In the content marketing strategy, digital books are interesting resources for capturing emails.

This is because, in most cases, it is necessary to register the user’s email address in exchange for the material – and it is these emails that bring more readers to the blog and even potential students.


Close relationship with students

The contents do not have to be used only to attract new students. Quite the opposite! They are the ones that increase the closeness between the student and the educational institution and are essential to increase trust in the brand.

In this case, the is the ideal channel to maintain close and direct contact with your audience.

Have you understood the importance of content marketing for education?

Content marketing for education is a powerful ally to spread your brand, conquer the preference of students and highlight the educational institution among the competition. That is why do not stop investing in the strategies that we have taught you and obtain excellent results.

Of course there are other techniques that help your content reach your audience and boost your marketing. Among them are SEO strategies, essential to make your content appear in the first results of search engines.

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