Ideas to write a book and sell it with

Does the idea of ? If you are looking for ideas to start a business and you think that writing is one of your talents, you may come up with ideas to write a digital book or ebook and start selling it on a platform like .

In this post we teach you everything you need to know to start writing a book and !

Let’s go?

What ideas do you need to write a book?

To start writing a book you must have an essential and non-negotiable requirement: wanting to write!

When the desire to write is intense, creativity flows easily. It is important that you fall in love with your idea so that the content is powerful and interesting and, at the same time, you enjoy the process much more.

If you feel that you are not 100% convinced of the idea to write a book, it may not be the time to launch this venture or, perhaps you should look at another business idea.

In case your desire and inspiration are immense and you really want to start writing your first book, it is important that you rest enough time.

Why do we recommend you rest instead of opening the computer and start creating? Because the ideas to write a good book arise more easily if you have slept the necessary hours.

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Another important requirement about is to have a restless mind. Ideas come when you least expect it! Therefore, it is important that you remain alert to the different stimuli that you receive at home, on the street, alone or in the company of your friends or family.

Finally, the most obvious thing you need to start your first book is to have a portable writing system: a notebook and a pen, your mobile phone, a laptop or a tablet. Anything that can be used to write inside and outside the home.

Have you already prepared everything you need to have ideas to write a book?

How to write a book?

To start writing your first book, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Create an action plan and set goals that challenge you, but are also achievable.
  • Choose a topic to write or the type of book you want to offer: Entertainment? Educational? Opinion?
  • Write constantly. Establish a routine where there is always room for inspiration and writing. It is also important to determine a deadline to finish the work, depending on the depth and extent of the content.
  • Reads a lot. Reading will not only help to expand your vocabulary to write better and offer a much richer and more professional work, but it will also serve as inspiration and give you ideas on how to do it.
  • Hire a copywriter to review and correct your text or add new ideas to each paragraph without losing your essence.
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Physical books versus digital books

One of the most frequent doubts of entrepreneurs who want to write their first book is: in what format should I present it?

While it is true that we still find many lovers of printed books, sales of digital books or ebooks have multiplied in recent years and represent a golden opportunity for new digital entrepreneurs to get their content to everyone. world with a lower cost and without logistics or distribution limitations.

In addition, digital books represent a great benefit for both the entrepreneur and the consumers, for a few reasons:

  • They take up less space;
  • They can be carried anywhere easily;
  • They are more comfortable to read;
  • They allow adjusting the font size when reading;
  • Many digital reading devices have built-in accessories and features such as gradual lighting and dictionaries or translators that enhance the reader experience;
  • Digital books can be read “in the cloud”. Thus, readers can start reading a book on their electronic reader and continue it, for example, on their cell phone;
  • They are easier to get, even when it comes to works that are no longer published or that are already out of print or out of print.

Digital books or ebooks are a solution for both readers and writers. Buying a digital book is very simple and can take a few minutes. You just have to connect to the Internet and find it in a virtual store. On the other hand, the delivery is much faster and safer than when buying a physical book.

And of course, producing an ebook is much cheaper than producing one printed on paper, which means that, in addition to having a much more attractive profit margin, you can offer it at an affordable and competitive price.

Here everyone wins!

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3 ideas to write a book

The ideas to write a particular book are endless, you just need to spend enough time thinking about them. Yes, there are many ideas for stories or themes to write a book, but sometimes the question “what can I write about?” it stops entrepreneurs for thinking that they are not capable of developing a book with an interesting theme.

If you still don’t have an idea or topic to write your first book, here are some ideas:

1. Write a story or a novel

It is one of the most used genres when you do not have many ideas to start writing. The stories or novels are products with a lot of potential to be sold and generate income. The main thing you should have is imagination and creativity.

You can be inspired by stories or experiences from your life or that of acquaintances to create a very interesting novel.

2. Write about some personal experience

Do you feel that it has happened to you or have you done something that is worth sharing with other people? Your experiences and stories could be very useful to someone else, so if you have no ideas to start writing your first book, why not take advantage of the things you have experienced? We all have a story to tell or something to teach others, so think a little about yourself and you’ll see how ideas begin to emerge.

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For example, at some point in your life you may have had to go through a bad personal or economic situation, so you can help many people by telling your story of overcoming, how you came to success, etc.

Within the category of own experiences you can bet on writing your biography.

Undoubtedly, from your own experiences you will surely get good ideas to write a great book.

3. Ideas to write a book based on your knowledge

Your knowledge or trade is also a great idea for writing your first book. Writing a book on a subject you know very well is much easier. As it is a subject that you can talk about in depth, the words will flow better.

Imagine that your favorite hobby is recording videos. You have been recording and editing home videos for years and consider yourself to be at an intermediate level of knowledge and practice. You could easily write and sell a “How to Learn to Record and Edit Video for Beginners” book. With what you collect from your sales you can buy a more professional team to make your videos and, why not, continue growing and developing your business.

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How to sell my books with ?

If you’ve come this far, it’s because maybe you’re interested in writing and selling your first book, right? It does not matter if you do it to have an extra income, change your professional career or start living from your passions. is the ideal platform to safely host your ebook, easily distribute it, process orders and ensure that each customer receives it after confirming payment.

If you don’t know it yet, is a digital product distribution platform that has all the solutions to store, process orders, control access to buyers and deliver a product.

The platform also offers its own affiliate program. Affiliates are people who sell your product in exchange for a commission on their sales. This means more chances to generate sales!

And the best: all this on a 100% secure and free platform.

also offers Club, an exclusive members area where, in addition to delivering your product, you can promote your products for free and increase your sales. Everything quickly and easily for both those who sell and those who buy!

To sell your book with you must:

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1. Access the site or register by clicking .

2. In the side menu, go to Products and then to Register Product.

3. On the new screen, choose one of the available formats for your product. In this case, you must select the option ebooks.

4. On the next screen, complete your product information as detailed below:

  • Write the name of your product, a description for your buyers with a minimum of 200 characters and select an image in JPG, PNG or GIF format, with a maximum size of 5 MB.
  • Choose the language, the market of action and the category of your product. When you’re ready, click Continue.

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5. Choose the currency in which you want to sell your product.

6. Next, define the Payment Method. If you opt for the installment system, it will also be necessary to select how many times the value can be divided by the buyer.

7. Choose the product warranty, which can be 7, 15, 21 or 30 days. The European Union accepts a minimum reimbursement period of 15 days. To sell within the EU, this period of 15 days will be considered for your product even if you have selected a shorter one.

8. Click save and continue.

On the new screen, you will have an overview of the information on your digital book and a menu with all the tools you can use and the options for updating the information regarding your product.

After you complete the product setup, confirm your personal and financial details on the platform to finalize your registration. To do this, click on the My Account option in the top menu of the screen, and then on the Personal Data and Financial Data tabs.

Upon completion of registration, please confirm that you have read our Terms of Use. The registration process may take up to 3 business days. You will be able to start your sales just after this period.

9. Once your product is registered, you can create a sales page to start promoting it. Also, you will have your HotLink to start selling your digital product in the communication channels that you consider convenient.

If you really want to undertake and start creating your book, we hope that this material can serve as a starting point.

Take into account these ideas on topics to write your first book and do not forget the most important thing: write about what you are passionate about and truly moves you.

We invite you to write on a topic that…

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