Create online video courses: how to produce video classes [Guía Completa]

A statistic from 2021, shows that the number of continues to grow year after year, marking an interest in the empperformance. In this sense, more and more people are looking for an alternative to generate income on the Internet. And a very interesting option is create online video courses.

You probably have some knowledge that can be turned into an online course, such as cooking, sewing, mechanics, personal development, computing, among others. And discovering that you can share these skills with more people in a simple way and generating income is very rewarding.

The problem is that you may not have as much experience in the field of teaching. Even more in distance education.

VIDEO | How to create video classes?

How to start an online course? How to structure the content? How to convert online course into video? What are the best formats for classes? Where to host it? How to disclose it?

The good news is that anyone who has knowledge in any subject can create to sell on the Internet. However, it takes a lot of dedication and discipline.

So, to help you with this task, we have put together all the necessary steps so that you can create your own . We will explain how to plan and produce your video classes and, finally, sell them on the Internet!

Let’s go?

1. Why create online courses?

The EAD market, or , continues to grow around the world. And there are no reasons for that.

If years ago this type of teaching generated distrust, now the scenario has changed. The growing popularity of the Internet and mobile devices have made many people see online courses as a practical and fast way to learn a new skill.

At the same time, the number of entrepreneurs who found in the digital world the ideal channel to share their skills with the public grew.

These are some of the reasons why creating online video courses is an interesting type of business:

    • More flexibility: face-to-face courses require physical space and regular class schedules. in an online course heStudents can attend the class anytime, anywhere;
    • Cheaper and easier to create: To create an online video course it is not necessary to invest in physical spaces, brochures, very expensive equipmentamong others. With a camera and a computer connected to the Internet, you can already produce valuable content;
    • Scalable Earnings: in an online course with the same recorded class, you can teach an unlimited number of students, something that does not happen in person. So your earnings aresince you will not need to recreate the course to make another sale;

Now that you know why you need to create online video courses, it’s time to learn step by step how to get your ideas off paper and start online.

We can divide this process into three stages:

  • Preproductionwhich covers all content planning;
  • Productionwhich corresponds to the creation of the content of the classes,
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post productionwhich is equivalent to the dissemination and sale of the online course to the public.

Stage 1: Preproduction

Before starting any, it is necessary to plan what this new undertaking will be like. And it would be no different when it comes to creating an online course in video format.

The pre-production step includes everything you need to do to shape your course, from choosing what to teach, you want to reach and the format.

Here is a list of everything you need to do:

Project features

It is the moment in which you will define when to begin and end your . Learn now to work with deadlines and goals that are possible to be executed.

Plan the start date of the project and the end date. This will be the deadline to complete all the production of your online courses. For example:

  • Start date: July 15, 2021
  • Finish date: August 31, 2022

It also defines what will be the cost production of your course. This step is essential for you to plan in relation to the expenses that you will have during the project and not have unpleasant surprises.

We always remember that an online course is a business model with a very low production cost. You can design and create it on your own, with the help of materials that you often already have. In this guide you will find free or low-cost resources that will make the creation of your material cheaper.

In any case, write down all the possible expenses that you will have, considering that, in the end, your course will not lose quality.

Select your ideal niche

The It will always be the first step that will guide your entire sales strategy. The market niche is nothing more than the market segment in which you will act. In it you will focus your work and take into account its specific characteristics.

Baby products, fitness, vegan cuisine, and wedding party decorations are examples of niches.

If you already have a well-defined niche, excellent. If you don’t have it yet, here are some steps to follow before making your choice:

  1. analyze the possibilities
  2. Evaluate offer vs. demand
  3. understand the trends
  4. Analyze the competition
  5. Choose the niche and the topic of the course

We will go through each of them below.

1. Analyze the possibilities

If you still don’t know what to produce, there are some options to start thinking about it:

  • Look around you and try to identify something in common that people want to learn and that you can teach.
    Example: Do you notice that many people around you have difficulty meeting their goals and constantly postpone them? Well then you can study productivity techniques, test them and teach how to execute them.
  • Identify the skills and characteristics that people recognize in you and think about how you can transform it into knowledge production.
    Example: you are a very friendly person and you know how to conquer friends and partners. Why don’t you teach your methods to the most timid people?
  • Approach someone who has a “talent”: if you still haven’t been able to think of an idea to transform into online video courses, think of your friends and acquaintances who can teach and propose a production together!
    Example: You have a friend who teaches French… Why don’t you invite him to produce a complete basic French course?
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2. Evaluate offer vs. demand

After you’ve listed a few topics, see if there’s an audience for them. The tools like They will help you understand the number of searches on a given topic on Google, the largest online search engine.

3. Understand trends

Use free toolswhich will show the trend of the topics over time.

4. Analyze the competition

Find out what your competitors are talking about on the subject. It is important that you check all kinds of material: texts, audios, videos and everything that talks about your topic.

It is key so that your material is even more complete and has a lot of quality. An interesting way to benchmark is to open your browser’s anonymous window and do a Google search with terms directly linked to your topic.

Is your course about professional makeup? Well, you can search for “professional makeup”, “how to be a professional makeup artist”, “learn to do makeup”, “professional makeup tricks” and of course “professional makeup course”, the options are innumerable!

Y They will help you with the most searched terms. Also look on YouTube, since your online course will be on video, right?

Check all the results on the first few pages and see what they address and how they do it.

The objective of this step is to identify the weak and strong points of your competitors to have a parameter when creating the material. It is important that you always outperform those that are already available on the web.

5. Course topic

Once you decide on the theme of your digital product, it is essential that you master what you are going to teach.

Research various sources about the content, including foreign materials. Look for sites like,, and even Google autocomplete (the tool itself gives you several search options as you type), to discover common doubts people have about your topic and those relevant terms that are in the same field as yours.

But why is it important?

Because only then will you be able to build the most complete material possible, the one that your future customers will be truly satisfied with having acquired.

After doing all the analyses, write a brief summary about your online courses.

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Example: the course is a guide on new mothers. Its objective is to guide pregnant women on the care of the baby until the first year of age.

VIDEO | Market niche: what is it and how to choose yours? | Tips

Define your ideal client

Once you have chosen the topic of your online course, identify your ideal client. You will have to do it through a survey (also known as avatar).

With the buyer person you will be more assertive when producing the content of your course and also when promoting it on the Internet.

The survey can be carried out with your audience, if you have one, or with the public similar to yours.

Here is a quick guide for each case:

you already have an audience

Having an audience means already having a customer base or maintaining a community with potential buyers hooked. It may be a an email list, an Instagram profile with several followers or a , for instance. If you teach face-to-face English classes to executives, you can understand the buyer persona of your online English courses through them.

you have no audience

If you don’t have an audience yet then you can use other resources, such as creating online surveys and using Facebook Audience Insights.

Suppose you are a nutritionist and you want to create a material on how to set up a nutrition office, attract clients and . In that case you can do the survey with students in the last periods of a nutrition course. It is possible to do it online or even in person.

In the survey we suggest that you ask questions aimed at describing the sociodemographic profile and the behavioral characteristics of the interviewee. Here are some examples of questions that can be asked:

  • Age, gender and other personal information.
  • How is your professional day to day?
  • What is your biggest difficulty in your work?
  • What do you value most in your work?
  • Which are your career goals?
  • What are the topics that interest you the most?
  • How do you seek to inform yourself about these matters?
  • What channels do you use the most on the Internet?
  • Do you have the habit of shopping online?
  • Have you bought any material online to study?

The more details you know, the better. Then, collect all the data and analyze the most common answers among the interviewees. These common data will build your buyer persona.

At the end you will have to complete a table, like the following example:

Format of your online course

If it’s about taking online courses…

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