Customer success: the adventure of a specialist

Employees thrive in a business environment and are truly reckless in breaking the rules of efficiency and quality. No department can escape evolution; however, the Customer Success team is the true pioneer behind significant changes. We invite you to take a look at the journey of a Customer Success Specialist at and why we care so much about providing quality customer support.

Step 1: We attract the right talent.

Becoming a customer advocate is a complete adventure. It all starts with a bright young mind: you just need to notice a purple sweater in a crowd of potential employers at a job fair or college event. By participating in such events, focuses on delegating Customer Success specialists along with HR staff to ensure that our potential employee has the opportunity to meet their future teammates. They are the ones sharing real, daily stories and confirming that anyone can apply – hire and develop the best based on the person’s attitude, not the content of their resumes.

Step 2: We hire the right talent.

Once the candidate decides to enter the recruitment process, it begins with a simple greeting and a not-so-simple job description. The process of becoming a full specialist requires exceptional resources of time and effort, so the People team wants to make sure the candidate is 100% ready for it. Recruiting folks agree that the Customer Success team itself is imperative to a potential employee’s decision, where hard-working young minds is something we think a person fit into the culture will be inspired by. After the simulation session with a member of the Customer Success Team, we hope that everyone involved in this process is inspired and motivated, starting a learning process as soon as possible.

Step 3: We prepare the right talent.

Day 1 at usually starts with reading Tony Hsieh’s “Delivery of Happiness”. It is a book picked up by Darius Grigorjevas a few years ago before he became the leader of the global customer success team. After listening to customer feedback, Darius realized that having a purely technical team will not be enough to achieve the highest standards in customer service. The book promotes empathy as the critical component in quality service: understanding the customer’s needs by reflecting on where you stand will help speed solutions and create an ongoing path to customer success. After introducing empathy into conversations, customer service became an individual experience rather than mere statistics.

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Reading books is only a fraction of the training which is reserved for our new hires. Our mentors are all former Customer Success members who have earned their role by concrete actions, showing a genuine interest in their colleagues along with their daily tasks as specialists. Our employees receive a 2-month training course through individual and interactive methods. Students are free to complete their assignments without strict monitoring. Sets the right tone for your future career – micromanaging is a last resort as we focus on developing a team with a property self-inspired Other specialists are equally welcome to participate in the training process, which they generally do; after all, these are the people who will help you very soon!

The main factors that develop a good Customer Success Specialist are the People team with their high-quality recruitment and extensive training that introduces the values ​​of the company and develops their communication, technical and product knowledge”. – Darius Grigorjevas. Customer Support Manager.

Step 4: We develop the right talent.

After completing the final test, our Junior Specialist receives his first quality objective and begins to work independently. We have a joke in the team that the best rookie is the one who annoys his colleagues with the most questions. In other words, the team celebrates a colleague who is determined to learn and be curious. Senior specialists act as internal mentors, always there to guide the rest of the team. A shift leader ensures that each customer receives service beyond their expectations from all agents. Each specialist is in a batch with a direct team leader who is there to provide timely feedback and direct attention to specific methods of improvement. The team leader is the specialist’s number one fan: to support her growth and initiative, being the first line of support in setbacks.

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While the specialist learns how deliver results In your daily tasks, you are also encouraged to be curious about something outside of your job description. employees can add their book orders to our ever-growing office library. Everyone is welcome to host internal workshops and conferences, regardless of whether the topic is work-related or not. Internal Customer Success sessions are also a great way to boost web hosting awareness and have a broader reach to help our customers. While open key meetings, leadership guild open sessions, and global endomarketing initiatives serve as an excellent learning opportunity that contributes to holistic curiosity.

Each member of Customer Success has the opportunity to go through a test that evaluates their performance. Mid-level specialists prove to be adept at live chat tasks, becoming shift leaders and learning to share their knowledge with the rest of the team. A high-level specialist has an even higher springboard in an agent’s career: they are considered exemplary team members with extensive knowledge, allowing them to contribute to improvement processes. If this still isn’t enough to reach the sky, the exceptional Customer Success agent is recognized with Super Senior status earned for consistently high and outstanding performance.

At this point, the Specialist may appear to have reached the height of their potential as their progress begins to slow. Stagnation is something we don’t encourage here at – people are expected to face bigger challenges and customer success is no exception. Each individual session offers guidance and support to specialists and focuses primarily on their individual development. As long as the specialist has a vision of what career path they want to take, team leaders make sure they are provided with all the tools to achieve their dream job. At some point, once the specialist is ready to test their newly acquired knowledge, team leaders change the specialist’s schedule to allow them to improve knowledge and develop skills needed for other positions. Once the internal recruiting process for the dream position begins, the employee receives a recommendation from the team leader and applies for it. The successful recruitment process leads to a promotion, and from this point on, every Customer Success member becomes the number one fan of the specialist’s future endeavors.

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Step 5: The right talent is what the company does.

Customer Success people make up 50% of employees, and this position usually serves as a career rocket! Even our CTO, Balys Krikščiūnas, started his career at as a Customer Success Specialist. There is no better person to build the product than the one who really knows customers from the bottom up.

Over time, the passion for learning translates into formative experiences. Former Customer Success Agents are our true success stories: leading complete projects, making great calls, and keeping the company as a source of guidance. After taking on the responsible role of building from the inside out, Customer Success alumni always find time to share their stories at events to emphasize how far a culturally fit employee can go. They appreciate nothing more than another bright young mind seeing your purple sweater in the great crowd of potential employers and deciding to start their career in the IT field with our Customer Success team.

Carlos is a professional in digital marketing, eCommerce and website builders. He loves helping businesses grow online through his tips. In his free time, he is surely singing or practicing martial arts.

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