E-commerce glossary to digitize your business

leads, check out, conversion, SEO, omnichannel… These are words that appear frequently in texts related to the digitization of a business. And although you may know the meaning of some of them, It never hurts to have an eCommerce glossary on hand to refer to each time you come across a new term.

If you have an online business, are thinking of digitizing your brand or have already started the process, this e-commerce glossary will be useful to understand the meaning of some of the e-commerce terms more common.

E-commerce glossary: ​​how to use it?

As you will see later, this e-commerce glossary is like a little dictionary in which you will find the meaning in Spanish of some of the most used terms in the world of online sales.

This guide to e-commerce terms It is divided into four major categories, each with a list of words arranged in alphabetical order, in order to help you find what you’re looking for faster. The categories are:

  1. Online sales
  2. Digital marketing and social networks
  3. Financing
  4. Strategy

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🛒 Terms of online sales


The word analytics translates into Spanish as “analytic” and is used to refer to the data analysis or statistics in order to discover, interpret, and communicate meaningful patterns in data.

In and digital marketing there are web analytics tools such as , or Facebook (formerly Facebook Analytics), which facilitate the collection and interpretation of data on websites and social networks.

2. Shopping cart

The shopping cart in electronic commerce is the module or plugin in which products are stored that a user plans to buy when browsing an online store.

Usually is represented by a supermarket trolley or a shopping bag and it is usually placed in one of the upper corners of the web page, so that the user can quickly identify it during their visit to the e-commerce.

💡 Type: meet others .

3. Abandoned carts

The shopping cart becomes an abandoned cart when the customer selects products to buy from an online store, but does not complete the transaction.

There are various strategies to “recover” them, that is, invite the customer to return to the store and complete their purchase; some of them are: invest in remarketing, offer free or more accessible shipping and improve the process of check outwhich brings us to…

4. Check-out

The check out in e-commerce is the moment in which a customer is about to finalize a purchase in an online store.

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After having placed the desired products in his shopping cart, the customer begins the process of check outwhich includes the choice of the and shipping, sharing your data to make the transaction and, finally, the confirmation of the order by the store.

Secondly, the check out transparent is presented when the payment is made within the online store, without the buyer being redirected to another web page (that of the means of payment). With the check out transparent, you will avoid removing your customers from your site, saving you the hassle of making them come back after paying for the product.

5. Domain

a is the address given to a specific space on the web. Each internet page has a unique and unrepeatable domain, made up of a series of characters that can be letters, numbers and/or symbols.

A domain is made up of two elements:

  1. the domain name
  2. domain extension

For example, in this web page that you are reading right now (https://) the domain name is “” and the extension is “.com”.

6. Marketplace

A marketplace is a website that connects buyers with sellers to conduct a business transaction. In simpler words, we could define a marketplace as a shopping center, where you can find many different brands, sellers and prices.

Marketplaces are managed by companies that are responsible for the maintenance and performance of the sales space and, in general, function as intermediaries between the seller and the buyer.

💡 Type: Are you considering selling on a marketplace? If so, so popular with entrepreneurs.

7. Payment gateway (gateway)

One is a third-party service that functions as an intermediary to process and between customers and sales websites.

The gateways payment offer different types of payment to buyers, for example: payment by credit or debit card, payment in convenience stores, etc. For the seller, the management of any of these types of payments is done from the same place.

8. E-commerce platform

One is a technological solution that allows you to create online stores. In general, a quick registration is required to activate a periodic subscription that provides the user with all the necessary tools and functionalities to sell online in their own online store.

Tiendanube, for example, is an e-commerce platform with a , which allows you to create an online store with everything essential to sell and without the need for technical knowledge and without paying sales commissions. That easy! The best thing is that, so you can check how easy it is to sell online with an e-commerce platform as an ally.

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9. SKUs

The term SKU is the acronym in English for Stock Keeping Unit (Warehouse Maintenance Unit), in Spanish it is also known as product reference number. A SKU is a code made up of characters —which can be numbers and/or letters and is used to identify, locate, control, manage and internally track a product in a store’s warehouse.

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💡 Type: .

10. Social commerce

As its name says, the social commerce It is a form of electronic commerce in which social networks are the sales channels. You can sell physical products, digital products and also services through the s-commerce.

Some most used social networks for social commerce are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • whatsapp business
  • Youtube
  • pinterest


The is an encryption technology that guarantees the security of the information that is exchanged on a websitesuch as personal and payment data of customers.

It is visually identified by a green padlock next to the web page URL and the https:// prefix.

💡 Type: know other factors, in addition to the SSL certificate, .


Stock translates into Spanish as “inventory” and refers to the set of products, merchandise or raw material that belongs to a company and is stored for future marketing.

To meet the demand of buyers, it is important for businesses to have adequate and organized stock management.

💻Digital marketing and social media terms

13. Conversion

In digital marketing, conversion is called moment in which a user executes a key action for your business; for example: a purchase, a subscription, the download of a document, etc.

So, it is the metric that indicates what percentage of users completed this action.

14. CTR (click through rate)

The CTR or click rate is the ratio that indicates how often users who see a link click on it.

This term is widely used in online advertising, since indicates the rate at which people who see an ad click on it. The formula to obtain the CTR is as follows:

CTR= total clicks ÷ total impressions x 100

15. CTA (call to action)

It is called CTA or “call to action”, in Spanish, to anything that prompts the reader of a page to perform an action. A CTA can be an image or text, it is usually short and attractive and invites the user to visit a link, download a file, sign up for an event or contact database, among other actions, depending on the objectives of the brand.

16. Engagement

The meaning of engagement in Spanish it is “commitment” and precisely, we could define it as the commitment or closeness that people have with a brand.

The engagement It goes far beyond the purchases that a consumer makes from a brand, it also implies the trust, interaction and empathy that they feel, both towards the brand’s products, as well as its values ​​and actions.

See also  Branding - E-commerce Blog

💡 Type: know and increase their engagement with your brand.

17. FAQ

FAQ is the acronym for Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions in Spanish. As his name says, it is a list of questions that a brand frequently receives through different communication channels, with their respective responses.

A FAQ page is an excellent tool for provide information, increase interest and solve problems most common of your customers, without making much effort.

18. Sales Funnel

The funnel or sales funnel is a model that graphically represents the stages a potential customer goes throughfrom the first interaction with a brand to the moment of purchase.

The sales funnel consists of three stages:

  • tofuthe top of the funnel.
  • Mofuthe middle part of the funnel.
  • bofuthe lower part of the funnel.

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A keyword or keyword is a word or set of words that a user types into a web browserlike Google or Bing, to find something specific.

For example, if a person goes to the search engine and types the keyword “pot of clay”, the search engine will return a list of websites where you can find information according to your search.

That is why, when you create a web page or an online store, it is advisable to use the keywords with the ones you want.

20. Lead

A lead it is a user who shared their personal data with a company, usually in exchange for something like information, promotions, exclusive materials or invitations from the brand. The registration of a lead It can be carried out physically or online, through a form.

A lead is very valuable for a brand, since it is a user or potential customer who shows interest in the products or services of the company, it is only a matter of working on a strategy of “nutrition of leads” to make you the right offers according to your profile.


SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimizationn (search engine optimization). —be it a web page, an online store, a blog, etc.— appear in the first results of search engines.

This “optimization” in search engines implies understanding and applying the keys so that when displaying the results of a search, Google recognizes your content as one of the most relevant.

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22. SEM

SEM is the acronym for Search Engine…

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