‘elEconomista’ organizes the 1st Retail and Consumer Goods Forum

elEconomista celebrates live this October 14 with the sponsorship of Adyen, Calvo, Coca-Cola, Coviran, Deloitte, El Corte Inglés, Flax&Kale, IberCaja, Mahou San Miguel Family, McDonald’s and Tendam.

In this meeting, the post-pandemic and economic recovery scenarios and forecasts will be discussed. Likewise, the needs of the sector and how to restore confidence to consumers will be analyzed. In objective, to grow again.

The event will be inaugurated by the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas Puchades, who will be accompanied at the presentation by Amador G. Ayora, director of elEconomista; Fernando Pasamón, partner responsible for the Consumer Industry at Deloitte and Óscar Castellanos González, responsible for Business Banking in Madrid Northwest of Ibercaja.

The first panel discussion, under the heading “Food, Consumption and Sustainability”, will include the participation of Mané Calvo, CEO of Calvo: Ignacio García Magarzo, CEO of Asedas; Javier Ribera, general director of the Pascual Business; Ana Gascón Ramos, director of the Packaging Strategy for Europe at The Coca-Cola; Patro Contreras, president of Coviran; Alberto Rodríguez Toquero, general director of Mahou San Miguel; Fernando Pasamón, partner responsible for the Consumer Industry at Deloitte and Jordi Barri, CEO of Flax&Kale.

“The digital transformation in distribution” is the title of the second table, in which Sacha Michaud, co-founder of Glovo, will present their ideas; Axel Nazarian, head of ecommerce at Carrefour Spain; Ignacio Zunzunegui, head of Marketing at AliExpress; Miguel Ángel Zamorano, director of Store Management and Marketing at UVESCO; José Javier Romero, director of Systems and Technology of the IFA Group; Manuel Muñoz, director of Retail Fashion and Consumer Goods at Inetum; Ângela Lin, Director of Business Development at Tmall Global, Alibaba Group, and César del Barrio, Microsoft Retail Digital Architet.

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The third table will deal with “The restaurant sector, development and relationship with delivery and digitization”. Sergio de Eusebio García, partner and Suppy Chain Corporate director at Avanza Food; Emilio Gallego, General Secretary of Hospitality of Spain; Juan José Llorente, Country manager Adyen-Spain and Portugal; Jacobo Caller, CEO of Telepizza; Alejandro Hermo, Chief Financial Officer of McDonald’s; Guillermo Arcenegui, restaurant manager at El Corte Inglés, and Patrik Bergareche, general manager of Just Eat Spain.

Finally, a fourth table will address “Ommi-channel and sustainability in trade”, with presentations by Jaume Miguel, president of Tendam; Dora Casal, CEO of Roberto Verino; Manuel Martos, CEO of Nextil; Eduardo Zamácola, president of ACOTEX and Bruno Rodríguez, partner at Deloitte, expert in Retail and Fashion. Xiana Margarida Méndez Bértolo, Secretary of State for Commerce, will close this 1st Retail and Consumer Goods Forum.

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