Engagement: what it is, what it is for, and how to apply it to your advantage

Engagement is one of the most searched terms by those who work with digital marketing, acting directly in the management of social networks.

We can say that it serves as a kind of “thermometer” to know if the content and the strategy developed by the communication department are working on the indicated platforms.

And, with the advancement of technology and the use of different channels, engagement has become a key word to know if the expected results are being obtained.

But, how to take advantage of the power of engagement in favor of your business, in an assertive way and without compromising possible results already achieved? How to communicate effectively with your audience and increase the value of your brand from the point of view of the consumer?

The answers to these and other questions are below. So, if you want to be clear once and for all about what engagement is and how to use it to your advantage (and that of your business), stay, because in this post we will tell you in detail.

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What is engagement?

Engagement symbolizes the relationship between the business and its followers. Measure your brand’s ability to engage the public and generate long-term engagement with your audience.

In other words, your content drives an involuntary user action, like giving it a Like or clicking on a link.

There are different indicators that measure engagement: page displays, subscriptions to email lists, comments, exchanges, likes, little hearts, etc. Each indicator can also be a important, depending on the strategy used at the time.

In any case, it should always be kept in mind that the concept of engagement varies depending on the platform (website, blog, email, social networks, etc.).

And specifically, what is engagement in Social Networks?

Within the context of social networks, engagement is used as a quantitative parameter to know if the content of the brand is, effectively, impacting and involving followers in an appropriate way.

It can be used to measure different items, such as:

  • Number of likes on the page;
  • Growth of followers in the profiles;
  • shared content;
  • Number of comments per post;
  • Number of saved posts;
  • Etc.

The calculation can be made from the average number of interactions recorded in a given period. The result should be divided by the total reach amount of the page.

The resulting decimal number is then multiplied by the percentage rate. In this way, you can get an idea of ​​​​the growth of engagement and the importance it has for your social networks.

The three E’s of engagement

Yes, you may have already realized that it is a very current and highly relevant concept.. But, what defines whether or not a brand has engagement? What determines that a business is attractive, or has that special something that everyone comments on? To understand it better, let’s go with the 3 E’s:

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1. Exclusivity

Exclusivity is not restricted to selling products or services available only to certain people. It means engaging with the public in a personalized way to offer differentiated content and capture the user’s attention.

2. Empathy

Human beings relate to human beings. It may seem obvious, pBut to really connect with the customer, you need to show that you are there, listening and understanding their needs, and ultimately, that you are real. Empathy is the key to conquering the public.

3. Excellence

If there is something that every consumer likes, it is to be well attended. If someone makes a positive comment, he responds in the best possible way. Did you get a review? Accept it and respond to the customer with empathy.

Engagement also involves relating to the public, understanding their opinions and continuously improving.

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Why is engagement so important?

For several reasons. One of them is that you can obtain data on the interaction of your followers with your brand and how your products or services impact people’s lives.

In addition, as we mentioned at the beginning of the post, this type of metric works like a thermometer for those who work with digital marketing, since it is a tool to understand which strategies work and replicate assertive actions in the short and medium term.

With that in mind, we’ve listed the top reasons why engagement is critical for any business these days.

1. More reach for your brand

The more interactions and conversations generated in your posts, the more reach that post will have. This is due to the calculation of the algorithms of different social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook, for example.

Therefore, the greater the audience reached by a piece of content, the more different people will “see” it on their walls, since these codes begin to “understand” that a particular publication is relevant to the target audience in question.

In these cases, and depending on the platform used, your publication can reach even further, to profiles that do not know your brand, through suggestions.

2. Increase the authority of your business

A business with followers who dialogue and interact with its content creates a feeling of authority and trust on a certain topic, which makes it easier to attract new potential customers.

Talking to your audience and publishing topics of interest to them makes the conversation on social networks much more authentic, and the algorithm values ​​this and knows it.

In addition, engagement constitutes true social proof, since real people, and not bots, dialogue with your business and emit real opinions. This is usually one of the main sales arguments in the digital universe in which we are immersed.

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3. Increase conversion rate

Within the digital environment, one of the main objectives of every entrepreneur is to increase the conversion rate. Through engagement, this not only becomes possible, but even more efficient.

Engagement represents a two-way path that connects your business with your audience, generating rapprochement and almost “on a tray” sale, with content designed and launched solely and exclusively for your ideal client.

How to increase the engagement of your audience?

Encouraging engagement in your marketing strategies is essential. The question is: how to do it effectively?

We are going to tell you right now. ¡Write down our tips and start applying them in your business!

1. Know your audience thoroughly

When we talk about knowing your audience, we refer to the need to create a buyer persona based on data, studies and analysis. It’s about exploring not only demographics, but also the behavior of your audience.

Important advice: your brand can (and should) work with the buyer persona and the target audience. If you don’t know how these concepts differ, click .

Still don’t have a buyer persona for your business? Start to create it but alreadywith the help of this . This process will be the best way to identify your audience, their tastes and needs.

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2. Choose the right social networks

During the process of creating the buyer persona and mapping the target audience, you will be able to identify where your audience consumes the content and which websites and blogs they use as references, as well as the most used social networks.

For example, there is no use working on LinkedIn if the vast majority of your audience is on . But, if your business model is LinkedIn is worth investing more in.

Study the public and understand their profile. Being present on social networks and on the right platforms is essential to have engagement.

3. Generate a personalized content strategy

When remembering the three E’s of engagement, one of the pillars is Exclusivity. And that includes personalized content, which delivers real value to users, which humanizes the brand and also strengthens the relationship with them.

One way to go further and generate more personalized content is to encourage your followers and customers to generate their own content and publish it on their channels. In addition, that content will serve as social proof, as well as increase the sense of community and belonging, and your audience will feel that they are truly listening to you.

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4. Avoid the traditional

Generate intelligent and personalized content to stimulate the public to interact and increase engagement.

Many brands forget that people are tired of exposure to traditional advertising, which focuses exclusively on offers.

Bet on a different approach, adopt a spontaneous language and interact with your audience.

5. Focus on quality content

Many people and companies believe that publishing several pieces of content per day will generate more engagement. Quantity does not mean quality.

The first thing to keep in mind when producing content, whether for your website or for social networks, is to understand what your audience wants.

It may sound obvious, but there are brands that make the mistake of thinking about their interests first.

To help you create quality content, prepare the for each channel. That will help you not only keep the posting frequency right, but also give you time to think and generate amazing materials.

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6. Bring new things

We often find content that talks about the same thing, but with different words. The result? Nobody is interested, and these contents will not bring any type of conversion, that is, they are the same as nothing.

If you want to generate engagement with your content, bring something new, fresh and original to your audience.

When preparing your content calendar, do a lot of research on the topics, study your competition and see what gaps you can fill.

7. Interact with your followers and other users

Finally, one of the great secrets to generate engagement is interaction. Always try to respond to all comments and enter the chats.

The more you engage with your followers and readers naturally, the more they will respond in kind.

That interaction will also help you understand what your audience wants to see on your profile and present opportunities to improve your business overall.

8. Do not limit yourself to a single channel

One of the main successes of engagement is being present on the different platforms that your target audience uses.

Currently, there are different resources and platforms to generate this type of buzz in your follower, such as redirecting it to:

  • blog content;
  • Videos on YouTube;
  • Email marketing strategy;
  • Institutional website;
  • Among others.

Engagement is not about focusing on a single social network, but about being present and replicating techniques and concepts…

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