How to write correctly: 30 tips to create good content

If you are a digital entrepreneur, you know how important it is to create irresistible content to attract your audience.

But what often happens is that we don’t always know how to write well, and that makes many people stop trying to create good content or even believe that it is necessary to hire someone for this role.

Of course you can always hire a person to carry out this task, such as a dedicated to writing content for your business. The big problem is that many Those just starting out don’t have the money to invest, and hiring someone for that task may mean spending more than planned.

So, if you are a specialist in your area, why not try to create your own texts? Ahead! Surely you have a lot of knowledge about your niche.

Naturally, writing is not everyone’s forte, but remember that it is possible to create good content. You just have to start putting hands to work and practice!

To help you with this task, which may seem complicated at first, we have selected some tips that will help improve your writing style.

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After all, what does it mean to write correctly?

Many people believe that writing correctly comes down to having good grammar and a wide lexicon. These are two very important points, but not the only ones, since writing well involves other aspects.

The first is, without a doubt, that your text can be easily understood by the reader. It is essential that you consider the audience for which you are writing and do it in an easy, clear and objective way. Thus, we can say that writing correctly has more to do with quality than quantity.

Another important point is the step before writing: planning. Thinking about what to write, organizing your ideas and making a guide is the first thing you should consider. Probably, a well thought out text will be a well written text.

The importance of writing well

In addition to being able to express yourself and communicate accurately, correctly written and produced content can be a highlight of your business.

Knowing how to organize what you want to say, doing it well and simply, avoiding doubts and confusing sentences for those who read it, can increase the public’s confidence in what you say.

How many times have you been interested in a product or service just because of how the ad was written? And at the same time, it is likely that you have stopped buying or hiring someone because the copy was not well formulated.

In addition to good communication, writing well shows that you have a good command of the subject you are dealing with, that is, that you know the subject and know how to perfectly articulate ideas.

You may be wondering if at this point, with so many technological advances, written content is still relevant. And the answer is yes! Even though that him has gained a lot of space in today’s communication, content in text format is still very popular.

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35 tips to write correctly

Now that you have understood that writing well is important and can be decisive for your business, discover the ideas that we bring you to improve your writing and create content that gives you results. Shall we start?

1. Think about who you will write to

It is very common to hear that you should think about your audience before applying any strategy in your business. And when writing is no different.

You must have already heard that a buyer person is the representation of your ideal client. So, nothing better than taking it into account when you are creating your content. Thus, you will be able to adapt not only the content, but also the language, which will facilitate communication between the public and your brand.

There is no way to write well if you are not clear about who your reader is!

And even if it is not yet your client, it is very likely that the people who have access to your content are those who, in some way, show interest in what you are sharing. That is why the profile of your readers will be in tune with that of your buyer person.

So, take some time looking for and mapping that profile so that everything you write is well directed to the buyer persona of your business.

Still don’t know how to map your audience? Find out in our post with the .

VIDEO | Buyer Persona: how to create one for your business? | Tips

2. Understand your communication channel

How is it possible to write well without knowing where your content will be available?

It may seem obvious, but defining in advance the way in which your content will be delivered to your audience is essential for your texts to produce the expected impact.

For example, it is possible to write the same text that will be available as a blog post or as an ebook. However, you will notice that although the topic is the same, the way of approaching the matter in each of these communication channels is different.

Imagine writing a text for your blog and putting it in its entirety in a Facebook post. This would not be very suitable because the text for the blog is somewhat deeper and longer, while the Facebook posts are shorter and more summarized.

Of course, you can make a post about your blog text on your social networks, but it will probably not have the same length as the original post.

Therefore, to write well, always keep in mind where your content will be, to adapt it to the reality and particularities of each communication channel.

If you want inspiration to start, here is a great tip from Javier Pastor:

VIDEO | Digital editor and copywriter | Javier Pastor – Digital Makers

3. Define your content

You can have several specialties, but when writing, clearly define your content.

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Even if your business deals with a range of topics, you don’t need to talk about all of them at the same time. So, our third suggestion to help you understand how to write correctly is: choose a central theme and think of related sub-themes that you can develop.

After doing so, select only one of the subtopics and work on it to the fullest, without necessarily bringing up another topic.

In this way, you will achieve a clear focus in your text, which will deeply address the subject you have chosen to write about.

4. Use strong arguments

As much as a text is very well written, it will not convey confidence to the reader if it does not present consistent arguments.

Your content will be much stronger if you know how to justify everything you say very well, without using clichés or ideas that you don’t really believe in.

The main objective that you should keep in mind when selecting the arguments of your text is to persuade or influence the reader. And this persuasion can be the decisive factor so that the public opts for your business instead of the competition.

A positioning based on solid arguments will support what you say about your brand, in addition to conveying seriousness and credibility to those who want to buy your product or service.

5. Write something that is memorable, enjoyable and interesting

It is useless to write a text that is structurally good if people are not going to be interested in reading it.

We are not saying that to write well you have to create something extraordinary, like the authors of your favorite books. Of course if you have that gift, it will be even easier. But if this is not your case, you can think of the following way:

  • Memorable: Is the topic my text addresses something that will make people remember it? That is, is it an issue that readers are looking for?
  • Nice: Is the text written in a clear and objective way? Can anyone interested in the subject understand it all?
  • Interesting: Does my text only repeat what everyone already knows or do I talk about something new, different and that arouses the reader’s curiosity?

Even if your business is about a topic that is in vogue, it is always possible to write better about what your audience already has access to.

Then, analyze what is happening in your market and try to take a different approach to your niche, always seeking to overcome the gaps left by your competitors.

6. Impact the reader from the beginning of the text

A good text is one that generates impact from the beginning, and when we say that, we want to focus mainly on the title.

You need to grab the reader’s attention as soon as they approach your text. Therefore, a suggestion on how to write well is to make the text answer a question or a doubt from your audience.

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Take this same post as an example:

You already saw that, in the title, we start by asking a question you may have. When reading Learn how to write correctlywe have managed to draw your attention because you know, from the beginning, that this text will bring answers to your needs.

Another way to do it would be to start this text by answering the main question. Suppose you want to learn some techniques to write well. So another title we could give is 35 tips for you to learn to write correctly.

In addition, the introduction of your text must also impact. Make a short introduction, but give the reader a clear idea of ​​what will be addressed in the text. Thus, you make sure that he will be interested in reading all the content.

7. Structure your text well

All text must be structured before starting to write.

In our third suggestion, we recommend choosing a topic and, within it, choosing subtopics that you could talk about. This is already the beginning of the structuring of your content.

Then, basically, the next steps to structure your text are:

  • Search on the chosen topic.
  • Choose a keyword.
  • Check if the chosen keyword has a high search (to do this, use tools such as the ).
  • Divide the text into introduction, development and conclusion.
  • Create an outline for your text (this is where you will put all the ideas you want to write about, trying to create a hierarchical order according to each theme of the text).

If you create a structure for your text before writing it, you will find that it will be much easier to develop each point.

8. Divide your text into topics

After having the structure of your text defined, you can already think about the topic you will write about in each topic. This is important mainly when it comes to the texts that will be available on the Internet.

Unlike story books, such as novels and adventures, online content should not have very long chapters.

Even if you write about the same topic, it is important to divide it into topics with subheadings that give a general idea of ​​what will be covered in that topic. This is important because many users, before reading the entire text, take a quick look by scanning the content (we’ll talk about that in this post).

Thus, one way to draw the attention of readers is to show, with the themes throughout the development of your text, what you will address in each part of your content.

9. Divide topics into subtopics

Thinking about the ease of reading for users, whenever you think…

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