How to overcome shyness to be a better professional: 9 steps!

Each person has their own personality and way of dealing with others. However, when it comes to communication in the workplace, there are some characteristics that can help and others that can be a barrier in your interpersonal relationships.

Shyness is a trait considered a hindrance for many people. This is due to the fact that, in general, the shy person has more difficulties in relating to his co-workers, because he is too concerned with the opinion of others or, even, with insecurity in relation to his own professional capacity.

To handle this situation, the first step is to understand that no one is a better or worse professional because of shyness. It’s just a feature, and like any other personality traitcan be worked.

Next, we will talk about how to overcome shyness and share some techniques that can help you achieve a successful professional life!

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What is shyness?

The causes of shyness are several:

  • Excessive self-awareness: You have an exaggerated self-awareness, especially in social situations.
  • Excessive negative self-evaluation: you see yourself in a very critical way and tend to evaluate yourself negatively, especially when you compare yourself with another person.
  • Excessive self-concern: You tend to pay close attention to what is going on around you and worry too much about people’s reactions.

There are many, right? But tell us, have you seen yourself reflected in any of these situations?

So calm down, because understanding how to overcome shyness can be much simpler than it seems!

Yes it is! We present below the 9 steps that can help you in this task. Ahead!

How to overcome shyness in 9 steps

Step 1: Say good morning to your co-workers

To begin to break the barrier of shyness, it is necessary to start with small attitudes.

One of them is saying good morning to all your co-workers, even if you don’t work directly with the person. The act of greeting them outside of the work environment is also great for working on your inhibition.

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This way, when you need to talk to this partner, it will be a little easier to engage in dialogue.

Step 2: Try to have a conversation with whoever sits next to you

Try to talk with whoever sits next to you most often, preferably on matters that are not only related to work, such as sports, common hobbies, series and movies, among other varied topics.

Shy people find it difficult to engage in dialogue. However, it is possible to lose that fear little by little, establishing closer relationships with a smaller number of partners.

Step 3: Look into the eyes

Have you already noticed the power of communication that a simple look can provide?

Yes, looking into the eyes while you speak is essential for and show your real interest in what the other says.

Just be careful not to go overboard with this! Be attentive to your body language and always smile, as this shows that you are open to dialogue.

If you still don’t feel comfortable making eye contact, start small. Practice in front of the mirror with yourself, study your expressions and try, at first, with the people with whom you are most intimate.

Step 4: Respond to indirect greetings

Still regarding the previous advice: do not escape the glances!

Do you know those greetings that are summed up to an exchange of glances and nods?

Well then, answer them! With this attitude you will pass a more open, receptive and friendly impression in your professional environment.

The same happens with any other similar context: avoiding the glances gives the idea that you are ignoring people or insecure in what you are saying. So be assertive and make your presence known!

Step 5: Maintain proper posture

Everyone has heard at least once in their life phrases like “Sit up straight!” and “Stop looking down all the time!”

Body posture directly influences our thoughts and feelings.

When you adopt a body posture of someone who is melancholy and insecure (curved body with eyes always towards the ground), you will begin to see yourself this way, while avoiding being noticed by others.

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Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, your image directly influences how people will converse with you. By adopting this type of negative posture, many people can avoid giving you certain responsibilities or projects.

Step 6: Try to be more social

As valuable as the advice you are reading is, theory alone will not help you overcome shyness.

Our advice is that you try to interact more with people, express your opinions and be friendly and communicative with those around you.

To overcome shyness, it is important that you focus on the issues and the people with whom you communicate, not on your difficulty in handling these situations.

Social interactions can be valuable sources of learning, as well as creating a .

Step 7: Explore your qualities

To know how to overcome shyness, think about all your qualities and things that you know how to do well.

This is a small attitude that produces short-term results, because by strengthening your self-image, you will feel more secure and confident in the work environment.

Step 8: Take drama classes

Theater can teach you a lot about body language, communication skills, and improvisation.

The acting classes focus on carrying out activities that work the body, diction and improvisation in order to foster the skills of collective coexistence and self-knowledge.

The classes also contribute to increasing the self-esteem of the students, since they work on communication skills, as well as involving them in a dynamic collective activity.

Although performing on stage can be uncomfortable for shy people, this is not a must. Just the classes themselves are a huge and effective stimulus to interact with larger groups of people and also to learn to speak .

Step 9: Get out of your comfort zone

A person’s comfort zone is like a great psychological barrier for him or her to face challenges and achieve their goals and dreams.

Those who do not face their own fears or who fear the unknown to the point of stagnation will automatically be doomed to a career of little importance.

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It is an unavoidable step for those who want to know how to overcome shyness and become more complete and competent professionals.

The limits of the comfort zone are different for each person. While some feel blocked when speaking in public, others find it difficult to say no or negotiate.

To overcome this barrier, you can start by doing different activities, such as dance classes, sports, physical exercises, etc.

Remember that what successful people have in common is the notion that security is illusory. Therefore, transgressing the comfort zone is essential for a more satisfying life and to feel more active.

Do you consider yourself a shy person?

Have you seen how small changes can radically transform your relationship at work?

Shyness is not (as long as you do not allow it) an impediment so that you can achieve all your dreams and goals. By following the advice that we have left you throughout this post, you will undoubtedly obtain a much higher quality of life and why not? that promotion or position you’ve been dreaming of.

As we have said before, of course it does not make sense to only theorize. The important thing is to understand your points of improvement and apply these tips to gradually overcome your shyness.

Over time you will realize that you will achieve the professional goals you have always wanted.

Let’s get to work, now that you know how to overcome shyness, it is in your hands to overcome it once and for all! See also what are the and you will be even closer to the career of your dreams!

Regards and until next time. 🙂

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