Collab: see how collaborative videos with brands work

Carrying out a collab can be an excellent strategy to improve the results in the actions of of your business. But did you know that this form of collaboration can also be signed between companies and content producers?

Collaborative videos are a necessity in the current and dynamic corporate environment, collabs are a way to differentiate and update your organization in our competitive market.

Do you want to know more about collabs and how to sign a successful collaboration with content producers? So, follow our article!

What are the benefits of a collab?

A collab between a company and can generate various benefits. However, it is worth listing the three main ones, so that it is clear to you how interesting it is to invest in collaborations. And they are:

  • Increasing the reach power of your business by carrying out campaigns and joint advertising actions.
  • Optimization of operational tasks and processes through interaction in the production and management stages.
  • Growth of the number of of your brand on YouTube, due to the exchange of experience and public.

How to work with collabs?

For a collab between brands and content producers to work well, it must offer benefits to all involved. Therefore, it is important to know what are the ways to work collaboratively.

Typically, most collaborations between brands and content producers are executed in three different ways:

  • Scalable integrations
  • unique videos
  • Multichannel approach

Each of these three strategies offers particularities in relation to its benefits, best practices and results. And since marketing actions are not fixed formulas, we are going to analyze their characteristics.

1. Scalable integrations

Scalable Interactions is a form of collab geared towards the production of one or more videos with a simple ad editorial.

In this scenario, there is an integration between sponsored products and videos that would be produced regardless of whether or not they are associated with those products, and the participants are new content creators, that is, they have a small audience but reveal a tendency to generate high levels of content. of engagement.

In scalable integrations, brands can work with many content producers at once, who together bring together large audiences. With this strategy, you will have the advantage of taking advantage of ascending talents to achieve great ranges.

On the other hand, collaborations on scalable integrations present the risk that your brand is forced to grant content producers almost complete creative control.

In addition, in this type of collab, the videos produced cannot look like TV commercials, they must offer the aesthetics of the channel where they will be broadcast.

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Audiovisual materials made in scalable integration collaborations are usually conveyed in the of the content creator.

Therefore, the disclosure plan must also be the responsibility of the producer. Thus, it will be appropriate to be paid after the video is published.

When to resort to them?

Collabs using scalable integrations work very well when our strategy is to increase awareness around the of our business.

Thus, use this form of collaboration when it seems advantageous for a digital influencer to comment or recommend your product and/or service.

2. Unique Videos

Typically, only one content creator participates in the single video collab. This has to be carefully chosen, since it will have to be highly competent.

In addition, for the work to be worthwhile, it will be necessary for the content creator to have a real affinity with the theme of the product or service that you are looking to promote.

One of the benefits of unique video collaboration is that it may be easier for the content producer to notice or highlight something about your brand that the marketers in your organization have not yet noticed.

Another one is that, normally, content creators tend to be skillful and act with formats defined by themselves, which they can then perfectly incorporate into your brand.

But just like the scalable integrations collab, single video collaboration also comes with some risks. One of them may be the possible difficulty in finding the right collaborator.

For you, who are just starting out, a recommendation so that you do not make a mistake in this decision is to pay close attention to the audience that accompanies the potential collaborator that you have in mind. Is their audience also yours? If yes, you already have the road to success half traveled.

In addition, in this form of collaboration, it is normal for creators to also need a certain level of creative autonomy, but also some restrictions and structures that limit their actions.

The videos produced in this type of collab are also channeled through the content producer’s channel, so the promotion plan needs to support that content through the use of paid promotion strategies.

In this way, you will ensure that the brand message through the content creator channel is disclosed to a growing audience.

In a unique video collab, payment is usually made both in cash and in installments, since prices can have a high level of variability depending on the popularity of the content creator or the degree of creativity of the production.

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When to use them?

They are suitable in that strategy that is going to present a product, service or business idea to new audiences. It will also be efficient when your organization seeks to reach an audience of or align the audience of the chosen content producer with yours.

3. Multichannel approach

The multichannel approach collab refers to the production of several videos distributed on different channels by different content creators, always spanning multiple platforms.

In this dynamic, content producers transmit messages aligned with their own voice and with their own conditions, but there is also the participation of specialists in the area to help in large-scale execution.

With this form of collaboration it is not necessary that the desired tone for the brand is 100% aligned with that of the content producer. Although, as usual, it also offers its risks.

It demands a rigorous management of the project, due to its profile and scale. In addition, it will also require effective communication and coordination between your brand and content producers and the accurate establishment of during its commercialization phase.

The videos made through a multi-channel approach collab will have to be channeled both in the channel of the content creator and in that of your organization.

Regarding the dissemination plan of this form of collab, it is appropriate that you focus your efforts on amplifying the reach with a strong social media strategy and paid traffic.

In addition, content producers will have to cross-promote to increase audience and engagement.

Payment can be proposed in cash or in installments, as there may also be considerable variations in cost depending on production prices and the popularity of the content creators hired.

When to use it?

The multi-channel approach collab will raise awareness around your business product launch and will also be effective when you want to gradually roll out content over days or weeks, or when you want to use multiple voices and viewpoints to redirect them to the campaign of a specific content creator.

Preparation of the briefing

And it’s time to createwhich should basically contain the following elements:

  • Goal
  • Target audiences
  • timeline
  • Final results
  • Budget
  • Relevant legal issues

How to define the prices?

At this time it is also important to know that there is no magic formula. The consideration of collab prices between brands and content producers is something very particular, since each brand and creator have their own financial reality.

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However, we are now going to present you with five types of costs associated with a collaborative video campaign that are usually considered. And they are these:

1. Recruitment of personalities

In hiring personalities, the cost varies depending on whether the collaboration is established through an exclusive contract, with or without a commitment to exclusivity, or through contracting for a certain period of time.

Another important factor when defining the cost is whether the video will be published on the content producer’s channel or on your brand’s. So watch this!

2. Production

When calculating production costs, you will have to consider the high level of expenses of this stage, such as scenery, makeup, special effects, local production equipment, and many other elements that are involved in an audiovisual production.

3. Intellectual property

The cost related to intellectual property has to be negotiated directly with the content producer.

The license of ownership, use and reuse and post-promotion of the content have to be negotiated.

4. Distribution

Typically, content producers are not production companies. However, some have built-in distribution channels and audiences. Therefore, your social currency has value in the real world.

Thus, the greater the distribution capacity of a content creator, the more your business will have to pay to be represented by it.

5. Media Amplification

Media amplification is a suitable investment for those who have already achieved the goals of a previously implemented collab. But if your content creator is responsible for a social media component, discuss their compensation for those services before they are performed.

It is also advisable to include in the contract details about the service such as the quantity, location and frequency of the publications.

You may have noticed that the definition of prices when the matter is a collab between brands and content producers is something quite peculiar.

So, in this phase, the most productive thing is that you define a budget and what you hope to achieve with it. In addition, it is highly recommended to create the habit of requesting a description of all the costs to be billed.

Considering these cares, you will surely succeed in the collaboration that you propose.

Ok, now you know how to build good partnerships for your business, but keep learning!

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