Eroski App: opinions, evaluation and analysis

Multi platform





The Eroski App was born with the aim that online sales of this distribution giant in Spain grow by at least 10%


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You know perfectly well a gigantic distribution company that has its headquarters in the Biscayan town of Elorrio in the Basque Country. In 2015, the chain Eroski grew more than 12% in its online sales thanks to its multichannel strategy. And not only that. During all this time it has opened different collection points for your online orders. Its growth in the digital ecosystem has been such that -as we told you earlier this week- for mobiles and tablets: Eroski Super, the new Eroski App

With the launch of this new mobile application, the company intends to boost sales through the Internet for the online supermarket. Specifically, and according to company leaders, the new app is expected to increase by 10%which is not little.

How the Eroski App works

The new application -which can now be downloaded for free at y-, is available in different versions: Spanish, Basque, English, German and Catalan.

As soon as you enter the application, it offers you a kind of tutorial where it explains the steps you have to follow to make the purchase: enter the postal code and the data for the delivery of the purchase, access the product catalog, add to “My cart” and finally pay the order. In the menu, we find what -usually- we can see in any application. That is, “Personal data”, “Offers”, “Settings”, and a long etcetera.

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But not everything that Eroski Super offers is usual. Since you have added an option called “My favourites”, a section where the customer can find the list of all the products they have purchased during online and offline purchases in the past 3 months.

Another option that is particularly striking is that you can perform the purchases through barcode scanning on productsadding them to the shopping list and -even- being able to make changes in pending orders.

Strong points of the Eroski App

Without a doubt, the best thing about Eroski Super is that it allows you to make purchases from your smartphone, without leaving your sofa. A luxury! In addition, with this mobile application you can place orders up to 3 weeks in advance. Yes. As you are reading it. In addition, on your first purchase from the app, Eroski rewards you with 10 euro discount.

But not only that. Eroski Super goes further: it allows you to consult the offers of the store where the customer (usually) buys, make shopping lists, search for the stores closest to where the user is, and many more possibilities.

Without a doubt, comfort and saving time are the keys to Eroski Super. And it is that from the moment you place the order until you receive it, you don’t have to do absolutely anything. A fact that fascinates all those who do not have much free time.

The Eroski Super strategy: 10 euros on the first purchase

And although we don’t have much to blame Eroski for, not everything can be perfect. Although it is true, the strategy of giving away 10 euros on the first purchase always works well. But of course. It’s not as pretty as they make it out to be. The 10 euros you acquire only when your order is greater than 50 euros.

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oh And the time to benefit from this offer is limited. So now you know… Let’s buy!

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