Facebook Audience Insights: what is it and how to use this tool?

The number of all over the world is increasing. That is why the number of people offering products and services on the Internet is also increasing!

With the ease of access and the wide variety of fast and democratic connections, digital businesses have become extremely accessible and, above all, profitable.

In addition, as growth is exponential, it is also essential that entrepreneurs master all the techniques available to stand out in such a competitive market.

In this scenario, one of the main differentials is the exact definition of the buyer person so that your marketing actions are precise and efficient.

Now, if you still don’t know how to find your buyer persona, there are several tools available on the Internet itself that facilitate this research and the consequent correct definition of your audience. Among them is Audience Insight from Facebook!

That you still do not know this tool?

Well, below you will see what Facebook Audience Insights is and learn how to use it.

Let’s go?

What is Facebook Audience Insights?

Facebook Audience Insights is an interest assessment tool based on the database of all network users.

He is part of the IQ toolkit, an arm oriented towards digital marketing and the advertising and promotion of products and services.

In Facebook’s Audience Insights, the dynamics of the current digital marketing disclosure mechanisms are always results-oriented and constantly updated, which makes it an always efficient tool.

With this mechanism it is possible to find the main behavior and consumption trends and, thus, direct the disclosure effectively and with great results.

These guidelines are already part of paid ads and boosted entries, in which it is possible to detail particularities of the people who will receive the ads.

In Audience Insights it is possible to previously measure these trends, selecting the audience and observing how the great promoters of the digital market have applied their marketing strategies.

Why is it so important that you know your audience?

Properly advertising a product or service is not as simple a task as it seems.

If, on the one hand, there are millions of users just a click away, on the other, the risk of not reaching the correct audience is very great, precisely because of the high number of users.

Social networks are currently used by people of all ages and socioeconomic situations, with the most varied interests and consumption profiles.

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Therefore, those who believe that it is enough to be successful are deceived. It is necessary to know, and very well, what the target audience is, be it in a personal profile or on a product or service page.

On Facebook, as well as on other social networks, much more than the number of followers, what matters is the quality of that audience. And that quality translates into consumption potential.

Without knowing your audience it is impossible, for example, to determine which is the most appropriate language to establish efficient communication with your audience.

A formal language will hardly be accepted by a very young audience, while colloquial terms and the use of jargon will not be well accepted by a more erudite and formal audience.

In addition to the question of language, without knowing your audience in depth, it is not possible to measure which are the appropriate channels for that communication to materialize.

Through the correct determination of your buyer person, it is possible to know if the sending of material is more productive through messages, email, direct, message or video application, text, gifs or other current means.

Faced with these doubts and demands, the Facebook Audience Insights tool is very efficient.

Based on posts, shared messages, check-ins and various other information collected by this tool, it is possible to filter the profile of the ideal customer, who will probably have a real interest in your product or service.

What are the types of insights available?

The Facebook Audience Insights tool offers information through three main groups:

  1. people insights,
  2. Advertising Insights;
  3. Tools and resources.

Now let’s look at each of the listed items:

1. Insights from people

This group includes information about users and their behavior on social networks.

It is possible to find in this session statistical data on schedules, geographical locations, duration of access, what devices have been used, what applications and a series of other relevant data for the elaboration of your buyer persona and .

Another feature of this resource is the comparison between specific periods, which correctly translates the change in trends of people over time.

As we know, people’s daily navigation changes constantly, as well as their habits and their day-to-day tasks. So being able to measure these changes accurately makes all the difference.

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2. Advertising Insights

In this session, Facebook’s Audience Insights discusses specific details on the form and content of advertising done on the digital medium.

He shows when and how to use videos, texts, images, gifs, how to get more expressive results, how to boost publications, how to measure the results of campaigns and a series of important tips on specific trends in the field of virtual advertising.

The word measurement appears constantly in this type of strategy, since the optimization of the resources invested in these dissemination actions is sought.

3. Tools and resources

Another element that makes up Facebook’s Audience Insights refers to the tools and resources, that is, the instruments that the platform offers for the implementation of these strategies.

In it we will find:

  • Audience Insights: A resource to help inspire you to run campaigns with data on the two billion people who use Facebook.
  • Cross Border Insights Finder: resource that allows you to compare insights from different countries, allowing for expansion around the world.
  • Creative Central: where you can track successful campaigns and also create mockup ads that can be pre-tested.

In addition to these, other resources and tools are available, such as Facebook for Business, Instagram for Business and Facebook Blueprint, an accessory for creating posts and campaigns.

How to use Facebook Audience Insights?

As we have seen so far, Facebook Audience Insights is a complete tool, with countless resources available for the creation, measurement and analysis of successful campaigns.

To exemplify how to use Facebook Audience Insights, we’ll focus on the use of audience insights and how it works.

When you access below the Public Insights, you will see a screen to select the public that you want to view. It is possible to choose between Everyone on Facebook or People linked to their page:

When you access the Audience Insights tab, you’ll see a screen to select the audience you want to view. You can choose from Everyone on Facebook or People connected to your Page:

If you already have an expressive audience, there is no need to search the entire web. But if you don’t have an audience yet, select the second option to see Facebook trends.

Then you will have the most varied information possible, such as:

  • demographic data;
  • Page likes;
  • Place;
  • Exercise;
  • Training;
  • Sex;
  • Marital status.
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There is also a graph with the main positions of the people who are on Facebook, which can help you when choosing a topic to create your online course, for example.

If you want to perform a more specific search, fill in the fields located in the left corner of the tool to select an audience with the characteristics of the audience you want to reach.

Some important fields are:

  • Country;
  • Interests (especially if you already work in a niche);
  • Idiom;
  • Market segments.

With this information as a basis, you will be able to understand who is the public to which you need to direct your marketing strategies or even define what type of product or service you should offer to sell more.

Get started with Facebook Audience Insight

Although a large part of the population maintains and uses a Facebook profile on a daily basis, the number of people who see this social network as a real business opportunity is still limited.

Many are not well aware of outreach tools and resources, and most importantly, are unaware of the immense outreach potential it offers.

As we have seen, the expressive numbers of users are not enough, you have to know who is the public to which your product or service is destined.

A publication carried out without a strategy will hardly achieve expressive results. Therefore, the initial step is to know the audience you want to reach.

But, even in the face of this need, many doubts arise when it comes to accurately defining your audience, which, in the digital market, is known as a buyer persona.

The buyer persona is the foundation of any marketing strategy, as it is the starting point for all other definitions.

Well, let’s get straight to the point: Do you already have a business, but still don’t know who is the audience you need to talk to?

So, read our post that teaches and discover right now who your ideal client is.

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