Financial consulting: what is it and how does it help your business?

When income goes up and down like a roller coaster, it’s time to act, right?

It is that it is impossible to achieve business sustainability without seeking solutions to economic problems. No wonder financial consulting is so important.

To give you an idea, this type of service is the flagship of other services related to money, such as banking, insurance, retail administration and in general.

So, in this post we will talk about:

  • The concept of financial consulting.
  • What does a consultant do?
  • Main services provided by the professional.
  • Signs that you need one.
  • Benefits.
  • How to hire a financial consultant.

Keep reading until the end!

What is a financial consultancy?

According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, a consultant is an “expert person in a subject on which he advises professionally”.

Based on the above definition, it is easy to understand that, in a business context, financial consulting is an activity in which a qualified person evaluates the company’s finances and indicates strategies to make them more organized.

What exactly does a financial consultant do?

Provides a variety of financial products and services to individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations. Most of the time a long-term relationship is established with him.

This interaction includes ongoing services such as: portfolio management, cash flow or annual financial planning reviews. The relationship between the consultant and the entrepreneur usually becomes closer as both parties perceive the benefits that it generates.

For the consultant to be successful in addressing the needs, objectives and requirements of the client, they need to understand and know the client well. Then, and according to these criteria, the service is personalized to achieve the highest possible profitability.

This professional may also direct the buying and selling of stocks/bonds for the client. Some work for companies that focus on the financial needs of specific industries or companies.

It could be said that he is something like the “doctor” of the business. When we get sick we look for an expert to tell us what we have and to prescribe us some medication, right? Similarly, the financial health of the business needs attention to stay on its feet.

In this scenario, to survive and prosper, it is essential to have the support of someone who makes objective decisions based on concrete information — even because financial analysis implies having to consider a large number of variables that only a professional in the area is capable of developing. background.

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Most financial advisers offer the first free consultation, and the cooperation agreement is usually established during this.

Take a look at this list of responsibilities below, which are as diversified as they are complex:

  • Helps in the planning and development of the budget, to ensure compliance with current rules, regulations and laws.
  • Collect and gather data and information, to prepare, recommend and predict future operations and financial plans.
  • Analyzes and interprets financial information, to study variations, review them and present them to the administration, thus facilitating better decision-making.
  • Operates on complex projects that require in-depth evaluation.
  • Issues effective reports and develops processes in accordance with the policies, procedures and standards of the organization.
  • Provides guidance on investments, asset allocation, savings, taxes, retirement, and capital planning.
  • Analyze risk tolerance.
  • Develops financial strategies to guide the client in setting their goals.
  • Create goals corresponding to the situation with the relevant plans.
  • Monitor your financial situation by tracking changes in your budget and life circumstances.
  • Analyze the results of the financial plan.
  • Identifies and evaluates new financial strategies.
  • Manage current and future tax payments.
  • Recommends changes in goals and plans.

What are the main services of a financial consultancy?

It is clear that each consultant has his own working method. However, we list the main services provided in the activity.

Financial planning

The most common is financial planning. Plans are drawn up whose objective is to achieve the long-awaited economic health of the business.

This planning includes cost control, budget analysis and defined strategies. It is very useful to record short, medium and long term goals.

Investment portfolio management

Financial consultants assume responsibility for managing the client’s investment portfolio.

There are entrepreneurs who like to participate in decisions personally, while others prefer to leave this task to the advisor.

tax planning

In the world of finance, in almost everything you have to consider taxes and tax planning. Although an accountant is needed to make the cash, a consultant with knowledge of tax law is a great advantage.

real estate planning

It includes the organization and accumulation of wealth that comes from real estate, and contemplates everything from its conservation to its eventual distribution to the beneficiaries of the property.

A competent financial consultant has extensive knowledge of estate planning, but can also refer clients to qualified solicitors if necessary.

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Cash flow

Good cash flow management is at the heart of the . In other words, money should always be in the spotlight so that you can meet your own obligations throughout the day.

This is just as it is in the private sphere, when you analyze things like the cost of living, the expenses of your marriage, raising children, buying a house, your retirement, etc.

Insurance and risk mitigation

Financial planning is never complete without considering and taking into account the risks we face in life, such as premature death, disability, or unexpected loss of property or other assets.

The consultant develops strategies to minimize risks in a personalized way.

What are the signs that you need a financial consultant?

It is not necessary to have a high net worth to hire the service.

The decision to get professional help with your money is extremely personal, but whenever you feel overwhelmed, confused, stressed or scared about your financial situation, it may be the ideal time to seek a consultant.

Regardless of the hierarchical level of the position you occupy, it is always very positive to receive the support of experts to ensure that you are on the right track and listen to suggestions on possible improvements in your action plan, which will allow you to achieve your objectives more effectively. .

Do you have investments but constantly lose money? Aside from the fact that sometimes the market is down, the investment should greatly increase wealth, not decrease it.

If the results graph points down, the financial consultant can help you discover the bottlenecks and correct the flaws before it’s too late.

Don’t have the time or interest to manage finances? This is another good reason to hire a financial consultant.

What are the benefits of a financial consultancy?

Consulting professionals often work with several companies at the same time and, precisely because thanks to this they solve a very considerable variety of problems of all kinds, they can provide you with different perspectives based on their experience.

That way, they can identify small problems before they snowball, give you input, and address potential challenges that you probably couldn’t handle on your own due to over-commitment.

Another, and perhaps the most common, reason for entrepreneurs to hire consultants is access to a skill set that is missing from the internal team.

By hiring a consulting firm, you can have a group of qualified professionals who do everything from simple cash flow analysis to financing organizational structures.

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Another point to consider is that when the manager is working on a controversial project, it is not easy to take the right initiatives without getting emotionally involved. In this sense, the consultant offers a look that is impartial enough to deal with the situation.

How to hire this type of consultancy?

If you have come this far, you may be wondering how to hire a financial consulting service. You can start by asking friends and acquaintances if they know of recommended professionals.

Take the opportunity to do a search in . Check the company’s website, read their published articles and look at their success stories to feel the reputation of the consultant.

Remember that credibility is an essential requirement in this profession.

Finally, it also analyzes its infrastructure, mission, vision and values. Is the team good enough to act smart and serious?

When in doubt, get in touch with your potential partner and don’t hesitate to subject him to a whirlwind of questions if necessary, until you have the information that allows you to make a correct decision.

Do you see how financial consulting can be useful to your business?

Financial consultants make suggestions and interventions with the best applicable strategies to improve your finances, which can range from investments to any of the needs, objectives and goals of your company.

Planning is only good when risks are calculated.

So be on the lookout for signs that you need help: if, for example, you’re stressed or scared about the current situation, constantly losing money, or don’t have time to manage numbers, now is the time.

Many people don’t take the necessary action because they are too busy or don’t know what to do. Hiring a financial consultancy means that someone else will take care of the paperwork. It’s good to know that money is better spent, isn’t it?

And now that you know the importance of financial consulting for your business, take a look at this other post about the .

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