Guide on what SEO is and how to optimize your store

Search engines like Google are one of the main sources of traffic for any website. The key to getting the most out of this is to fully understand what SEO is and how to implement strategies to optimize the positioning of your store.

If you are researching what SEO is and how to work with it on your website, you are in the right place. We are going to tell you in detail what this key discipline in digital marketing is all about, with which you will be able to boost your online content.

The information and advice in this post can help you for any . In any case, we have prepared a special section to talk specifically about SEO for e-commerce and all the optimizations that you can.

Finally, at the end of this content we share an exclusive guide on the subject so that you can download it and always have it on hand to obtain better results every day. Let us begin!

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What is SEO?

The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization that we can translate as Search Engine Optimization. SEO strategies are those that are put in place to improve the visibility of any website in organic search engine results.

In other words, the objective of SEO is to provide the best signals to search engines, such as Google or Yahoo, to appear among the first organic ads, that is, not paid.

With robust SEO strategies you will be able to increase traffic to your website—anything from an online store or a blog to a product home page.

SEO in marketing is a tool that can help you in many aspects of your business, such as improving brand recognition and getting more sales. You will get your website to appear in the first results without investing in paid strategies.

Now that it is clearer what SEO is, we are going to take a brief look at its history to continue with the importance and advantages of implementing SEO strategies and tell you how to do SEO in your online store. Shall we continue?

The origins of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engines as such were born in the 1990s, along with the rise of web pages. It is said that Wandex was the first search engine, since it emerged in 1993. Later others appeared, such as Google in 1996 or Yahoo in 1994.

These were and, in many cases, still are, the main source to be known on the web and get quality traffic. This is how brands began to think about how to improve web positioning, since this would translate into greater visibility and potential sales.

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This is how SEO originates: as the study and implementation of strategies that help search engines show your website among the first organic results, with the aim of getting more and more visits.

How search engines work

Search engines are mechanisms that crawl web pages to learn about their content. Once this information is collected, they organize and order the sites in their results according to which they consider most valuable and relevant.

Then, based on the keyword —that is, the word or phrase the user is looking for—, the engine distributes and delivers the most useful content to the user.

The operation of search engines lies in two main steps: crawling and indexing.


Those in charge of browsing and crawling the web are called bots. They move through the links, that is, they go from one link to another just as we users do.

This is one of the fundamental reasons why a good link structure is important. The fact that web pages have other sites linking to them will help search engine bots get to and crawl that content.

The crawling process begins with a sitemap or site map. This is an XML document that is sent to search engines in order to provide a complete list of the web pages that make up a site. With this guide, a correct tracking is favored.

Another important file is called robots.txt which tells the search engine which way to go through the website. This text file provides all the information necessary for crawling and indexing to occur correctly. Its most common commands are:

  • Disallow: through which you can block the entire site, a directory or a page, or delete images.
  • Allow: Contrary to the previous one, it allows access to directories and pages. It can also be used partially or totally to write over the Disallow command.
  • sitemap: indicate where the sitemap of the site is located.
  • Crawl-delay: Gives instructions to the search engine regarding the number of seconds to load between each web page.


When the process of crawling a web page ends, the bot records all the information collected in an index or index. This is the indexing stage, where search engines rank scanned content based on quality, authority, and relevance.

Initially, to determine which was the best content in reference to a particular topic, search engines took as a reference the number of times a keyword appeared in the text.

Over time, this process of reading and organization was perfected and sophisticated with the aim of providing greater quality to the user. Currently, bots are capable of reading content in much greater detail.

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For example, parameters such as originality in writing, publication date, useful visual or audiovisual content for the reader, page load speed or responsiveness are key to achieving better positioning.

Why is web positioning or SEO important?

The most important thing when talking about what SEO is and how to work on web positioning is to provide clear signals to search engines about what topic each of your pages deals with and, thus, reach your target audience, that strategic segment. to which your brand is directed.

From the SEO optimization of your site, search engines will reward your content by making it increasingly visible to the most relevant audience for your product or service.

Let’s go into more detail on this point, why is SEO so important?

  • Increase the visibility of your brand because users know your website in their searches of interest.
  • Give guidelines and help improve the quality of your site. Good SEO practices provide invaluable guidance on the things that users value most on web pages. By implementing optimizations you provide a better user experience.
  • The achievements and benefits are long-term. Sites with robust SEO strategies manage to position themselves and maintain a good level of awareness in the long term. Of course, it is necessary to constantly monitor and improve, but each achievement lays and strengthens the foundation of a well-positioned site for much longer.
  • Can be measured and monitored through both free and paid tools, depending on the task at hand. By being based on numbers and metrics, it is easier to understand the current situation and establish measurable objectives.

📝 These strategies to get quality traffic organically can be complemented with other paid techniques. To learn more about this, we invite you to read about (Search Engine Marketing).

The advantages of implementing SEO strategies

Part of understanding what SEO is lies in being aware of all the advantages it has for any website. In this section we will see the main benefits of working with SEO strategies:

  1. It allows you to implement effective marketing strategies, that is, those by which you can reach your ideal client through content related to your market niche.
  2. Positioning of a brand as an authority or reference in the field. If you offered solutions and quality content on previous occasions, it is very likely that you have remained in the user’s memory for future searches.
  3. Increase in sales opportunities. The greater brand recognition, the more chances to increase your .

If you have come this far, you probably already want to know what the most important SEO strategies are to get down to work and start optimizing your website, online store, blog, etc. Let’s dive right into the subject!

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SEO for e-commerce: the 10 key strategies

The most relevant SEO strategies are divided into two main categories: SEO on-page and SEO off-page. This has to do with the process of sophistication and advancement of search engines: there are more and more relevant parameters to measure the quality of websites.

We are going to know both how to do SEO for e-commerce and for any web page.

SEO on page

On-page SEO (that is, “on the page”) refers to all the actions that we implement on the website and are visible within it. In general, these are techniques that we can control and execute, that is, they depend on ourselves.

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research or keyword research is the first step in on-page SEO. It is about understanding what are the searches carried out by the users to whom your brand is directed.

A good free tool to do this is the . From detecting these searches, you will be able to define the structure of your website and which keywords each of its URLs are oriented to.

For example, if you sell mates and complete sets, you may find a relevant keyword “matero kit”. If so, your product category page could be optimized to rank your business for this keyword.

We recommend you delve into this topic:


2. Generation of original and quality content

The next step is to create original content, both in terms of creativity and that it is unpublished. Writing a quality text, expert on the subject you are dealing with, is one of the best signals we can offer to favor the positioning of a website.

The textual content of the page must name the keyword that you selected as the main one. Although it is good practice to repeat it to make it clearer to the search engine what the main keyword of that content is, it is important not to make it too repetitive.

At this point, common sense applies: try to think as a user if that word is being repeated in a robotic or ridiculous way throughout the text, or if it appears naturally every time it is named, due to the coherent progression of the text.

Quality writing will be especially important in SEO for stores, for example, in the description of a product or service.

3. Optimization of graphic content

Users and, consequently, also search engines value positively the inclusion of images and videos in web content. Mainly if…

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